Mark Allen's Dream Journal
April 2001


    Don't remember TOO much from dream last night. All I remember is that I was facing an audience - kind of like arena seating audience. The audience was made up not of humans but of weird creatures. Kind of like that court scene in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace". My "job" or "assignment" for some reason was to assassinate someone in the audience. The people in charge of my assignment pointed out who I was supposed to shoot with this weird gun. The creature had the long body of a human and the head of a dolphin. The gun I was using had this little red light on the top of it. When I shoot the gun...the little red light flares up like a match and then falls off the gun like a little spark or ember. It didn't work. I just shrug my shoulders and the creatures in the audience go on - never knowing what was about to happen to the dolphin head guy.


    Only vague memories of last night's dream. I think Jeffrey Dauhmer was in it. We might have been at a roadside theme restaurant. Hmmmm...I can't remember any more.


    I am at some unknown airport. It is nighttime and there is a windy thunderstorm going on around us but no rain. The airport is huge - lots of modern looking buildings connected by some tram service. I am with Michael and Gregory. I have this vague memory of of the three of us judging some kind of contest on the plane we were on. We were behind this panel table on the plane - there were no seats - and people were performing in front of us and we were taking score. The plane was in the air as this was happening.
    Now we just got off a plane...I think...and we are leaving the airport. I go down this long bridge/corridor thing that takes me away from one of the main buildings. It's this raised platform that is very skinny and has guard rails made od concrete on it's sides. It's like a bridge but with no water underneath it - just the ground or maybe parked cars. I am alone and I think that Greg and Michael are back at the main airport building. I reach the end of the bridge and step down onto the ground and look around for our car. Do we even have a car? What's going on? Where are we going?
    I keep waiting and I am sick of waiting for Michael, he always is so slow. I kind of "telepathically" see Michael back at the airport building and and he is being delayed by this old crazy man that is tricking him into talking to him and maybe giving him money.
    I look out over the landscape, I see lightening and thunder in the distance...and buildings. It's really beautiful...suddenly I realize I'm at the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport. How am I going to get to Big Lake Park? I wonder if I have enough money and the right documents to rent a car.


    I'm at my grandparent's house in Alabama. My whole family is there. The house is "extended" - like stretched out like taffy or something. All the rooms are really long and seem to follow this one tube pattern that leads in one direction. Like a giant set of hands took the house and pulled it like taffy. I'm walking through the house from one end to the other. My mother is talking about how my grandfather can't understand modern technology. I reach the end of the house where the front door is and walk outside. There is this weird ramp that leads to the top of the roof...I climb up it and find a replica of the house I grew up in Texas when I was very young. It is "stretched" out just like my grandparent's house. I look up and see a whole series of levels - each one a place I lived in at one time - all stretched out like long tubes. I am suddenly on the uppermost tube - it is New York City. There is thunder and lightening all around me but I also see some sun and blue skies. I'm thinking to myself "I hate my dad."


    Ohhhh...a space dream:
    I was on this "space ship" floating around in space and Catherine O'Hara was there with me. She had long reddish brown hair - almost like a wig - and a silver space suit on. We just walked around the ship's long corridors and talked about the view outside (there were round windows). The stars outside looked really fake - they were moving too fast by the windows. At one point when I was talking to Catherine, I looked at two different windows and saw the stars moving to two different directions! I couldn't figure out if I was on some movie set or if I was part of some scam to convince people that we were landing on the moon (like some conspiracy theorists believe happened with the US moon landings). As soon as I started to show doubt in my eyes, Catherine started flirting with me in this really corny way, almost to distract me. She goes "Put on your helmet!" and we both started to put on out Barbarella-style bubble helmets. The rim of mine did not connect to the suit at all the way it was supposed to - I could see areas around the edge of it where there had been scotch tape used to fasten it together. I also see this little transistor radio on the rim of the helmet. She goes "We are about to de-compress the cabin and go into hyperspace" (huh?). She tells me to look in this certain direction and I do. We hold hands and just stand there for a long time and nothing happens. I roll my eyes.


    I'm looking at photos of Thurston Moore in the latest Jane magazine. I am at Tiny's Sandwich Shop on Rivington Street. I look at the photos and realize that he is not happy in his relationship with Kim. Suddenly I am outside and am near some industrial area and am around some railroad tracks. There are weeds everywhere and the wind is blowing them. I am with Thurston and we lay down on the tracks. He gives me some gift - it is a piece of melted green plastic that used to be a 7" record that he melted into a little sculpture for me. We lay down on the tracks and look up at the sky - it is nighttime now and we can see the stars. The weather is beautiful. We are talking about some heavy stuff. As we are talking he reaches over and holds my hand.


    There was something to do with my eyes and patches of melons. I was looking at my eyes in the mirror and was concerned about them for some reason. I suddenly see this melon in a melon patch and the leaves surrounding the melon unfold and on the very top of the melon is this little slit and it opens up and it's this little eye. It's my eye I think. Suddenly the little eye kind of "swirls" off of the melon and onto the top of this old bald guy's head and is now on top of the guys head kind of blinking. The guy seems unaware of this. I get the impression that it is a "baby" eye...a brand new one.


    I'm in Dalls (surprise!). I am with this woman and teenage boy I do not know. We are staying in some converted warehouse living space. We are driving around in a car - the car is a Gremlin in perfect shape - like it's been overhauled and worked on. We come to our house and go inside. It's daytime.
    Suddenly I am in this situation where the woman is tied up with a gag and the teenager is tied up and unconscious. It's like I'm missing time or something. I sense that there are two robbers in the place and are robbing us. Somehow they don't seem to know I'm there? Why am I not tied up? I hide behind this sheet that is draped over a closet and watch the two robbers run around the place checking everything out. As the robbers are in the bathroom I walk past the woman - she tosses me the keys to the Gremlin that she had been hiding in her hand. I run outside to the car and start it as quickly as I can to get away because I know the robbers will hear it. It's weird because the car has all these weird knobs and levers that don't make any sense for a car. Will I be able to drive it?
    I must get to the police station and tell them what's going on. It's nighttime now - I can only see other car's headlights. I am in the Turtle Creek section of Dallas. Then I am on the overpass of I-75 that is right by Northpark Mall, crossing over to get on I-75. I must get to the police in time! Hmmmm...I wonder, since I have the car, if I can make it to Big Lake Park for a visit? Hmmm...
    Instead of the police I go to the landlord's office instead. I walk into the office and see the woman who is in charge. She is on the phone. A secretary hands her a slip of paper - it is a "form" that is filled out by burglars and robbers every time they are going to break into a house owned by this landlord. They fill it out and submit it (but because of the mail are able to break into the house before it reaches the landlord's office). The woman sigs like "ugh!" when she sees the form. She lays it on the table with the other forms. I look down and see all the we-are-going-to-break-into-this-house-on-this-and-this-date forms. They are all filled out in the same handwriting. I think this is a really stupid way to do things but - whatever! These two burglars must be doing a lot of breaking-in. On some of the forms are little messages like "You can't catch us! Hahaha!" and derogatory characatures of the landlady. I look around the office and notice how young everyone is.


    There is some prince or rich son of an Arab oil baron or something that I am working for. I am one of his servants and I work with a team of people. His house looks like the house of that fat snobby rich kid in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" who steals Pee Wee's bike. At one point the rich guy comes out of his bedroom in a robe and starts telling us all things that he wants and we're writing it all down. He goes back in his room and shuts the door. Everyone starts talking about how much they hate him. Everyone is running around getting the stuff and I wander out onto the lawn and wander around the neighborhood. It's beautiful Spring/Summer.
    I come to a high school and see these two young guys. One has this badge on his shirt which is a design that has part of a red Coke can and part of a dark brown Hershey's bar on it - the two are kind of mixed together in this weird design. I wish I could draw it here but you'll jus have to use your imagination. I think "Wow this kid bought this trendy thing and he'll only wear it once or twice and then will put it on his dresser or in his closet forever."


No dreams.


Too busy getting ready for shoot to record dreams.


To busy with shoot again - tomorrow I promise.


    I can't remember TOO MUCH from last night's dream. But in it my friend/film collaborator Michael was living in some weird underground cave/inside-of-a-goard looking thingy. He had little ears like an elf and he had all these Tolkin-looking creatures as his friends. He seemed to live in this one cave inside this complex complex of underground caverns - with lots of levels and passageways leading to other caves. I just popped in on him and he looked at me all pixie-looking and then kept washing his elf dishes or whatever he was doing. I went up into other levels and saw other weird creatures...slowly making my way up to the ground, the earth's surface. I finally got up to the Earth's surface and it was all concrete and clean lines and Spring and plaza's and sunshine and happiness.


No dreams :( Slept REALLY HARD :)


    I'm going to visit my landlord's office for some reason. I get to the office and walk up the stairwell to the main office. I see the landlord leaning his head out the door to talk to someone. I go into the main office. It's very stark and dramatically lit. All dark with black furniture and gray carpet. Everyone is in 80's-style shoulder-padded business suits. I see every person I ever talked to on the phone there. I've never met any of these people. They "review" my "case" and I hear them discussing me. They are all in a circle around this desk talking about me and I am trying to subtly but in and say "Hey I'm right here". They finally see me and get really quiet. The landlord looks at my "case history" and says "What does it mean here where in 1995 you said you were 'sick'?" When he says this two of the women giggle. I said "That's when I had cancer." They all look at each other funny.
    Then I'm standing outside this weird balcony at what look like a beach house. I am actually on the sand. I have a package in my hand addressed to me. I open it up and it is the new issue of Sound Collector with my article about The Flying Lizards in it. I am upset because I never got a call from the editor to approve the photo scans and give credit to the original photographers. I thumb through the magazine and instantly see that the whole first 20 pages are these really bizarre photographs of David Cunnningham that I have never seen before. They are different shots of him being interviewed at at different radio stations around the world. All the shots it looks like the interviewers tried to make David "feel at home" by placing all kinds of wacky colorful toys around the studio. In one shot the interviewer is a Japanese man and he and David are both wearing those spring/slinky-ping-pong-eye glasses things where the eyes pop out of the glasses on the springs and bounce up and down. I thumb through the book and the pictures kind of make a "stop motion" old movie animation kind of thing.
    Then I "meet" this kid who lives in the upstairs of the beach house. He lives with his mother and girlfriend. He says I should come visit him that night. I do later and we are laying on his bed. His mother and girlfriend are in the room - they keep looking at us funny. The kid and I start to make out. The mom and girlfriend are looking at us. I start to kiss this guy's belly button and he's like "Oh yea!" I get the impression that I am "feeding" off this guys belly button. I am ingesting something from him like he's an alien or something. It's this bizarre feeling. I get the impression that no one in the room but me is human and that something really evil is a foot so I excuse myself and go downstairs. All three of them look at me forlornly as I slowly walk out.
    I go downstairs and see my friend Manny Parrish on the balcony next to me. He says there is this circuit party going on in this beach town tonight and am I going. I say "Sure". He gives me directions to the party. Soon I find myself in this snow mobile barreling through the cramped streets of the town (which has all the booths everywhere all crowded together and busy like Hong Kong or something). There is snow on the ground and we can't find the party. Who is behind me on the snow mobile? I don't know. It's nighttime.
    We stop at this mall to ask directions and end up in this giant glass-enclosed information booth thing to ask directions. This russian woman helps us and prints out the directions to the party on this receipt that comes out of a cash register. Turns out we have to pay for the directions! We count our coins. It's daytime now.
    Now I am on this train. I am going to New York City. On the train across from me is Mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani. He is sitting across from me talking about New York and how he "cleaned it up." He is saying "I used to ride to work on the train like this every morning and I kept a large chain behind my seat like this in case anyone ever attacked me on this train!" He mimics sitting in his seat whistling like he hs a chain behind his seat. Then he goes "Now...the trains are so safe I sleep the whole time! Isn't it great!?" He comes over to my seat and we start to make out. Yes...I end the dream by making out with Rudolph Giuliani.


    I'm under some bridge where people can gather and talk and stuff. It's a high overpass and there appear to be some businesses and clubs and cafes under the bridge as well. It's daytime. Everything is clean and nice like I'm in the new part of a city. There are a lot of people around. I see this guy walk up to a woman and ask her to dial a number on his cell phone. She is a Hispanic teenage girl full of attitude. She says "Wha..?" and grabs the phone from him. She dials the number of the operator for the cell phone service and says something like "Yea Mr. 676-555-2319 just handed me this cell phone from YOUR service and asked me to dial SOME number! What kind of perverts do you sell phones to!?!?"
    I am then in some lower level of some building. I am in a basement stairwell with Michael. We are walking around. I remember the walls of the stairwell on each landing are stained-glass windows (with no light behind them) and dark cherry wood floors.
    Then I am backstage at some theater. There is a show going on on the stage. I am backstage in this really cramped ladder/tube/stairway thing. I am climbing up a ladder to get to the top of the stage - above the performer's heads. Behind me is a woman climbing the ladder who has a butcher knife in her mouth. She just murdered someone and is feeling really conflicted about it. Sometimes this woman appears as Julia Louis-Dreyfus...and sometimes she appears as Madonna. As we are climbing I am listening to her thoughts which kind of tell a story as to what went on in her early life to the point where she felt like she had to commit this murder. She seems to be justifying what she did but it sounds pretty convincing. Sometimes little bits of Madonna's early rise to fame are thrown into the story.


    I'm wandering around an old house I grew up in, in Texas - on Montecello Street in Plano. I am with an old friend and we are going to surprise my mother - who now lives alone in the house. We are walking all along the back of the house and are in the yard of the house next door. My mom keeps walking in and out of her house and is with this woman we used to know there named Mrs. Neemic - who actually lived a few blocks away, not next door. I get the impression that Mrs. Neemic lived next door in this dream. We are hiding in this little bridge alcove thing in the house next door and Mrs. Neemic stumbles upon us - she takes one look at me and knows that I am here to visit my mom and she gets really quiet.


    I'm in some strange city. I think it's nighttime - Spring maybe. I am at a college that seems to be made out of an old building. The building was an old mine - this I know because there are areas of the building that have doors that say "Do Not Enter!" and "Dangerous!" - if you go beyond these doors there are channels of vast underground tunnels. There is a really long hallway running the length of part of the building. In the hallway the floors are made of wood, and the walls are made of wood paneling too I think. I get on my side and roll all the way from one end of the hall and back - for some reason. I roll all the way from one end of the hall to the other. At on end of the hall are these swinging doors.
    Suddenly sitting there in the hall are my mother and some old woman. They are explaining to me that that door divides the "black" students in the college from the "white" ones. I find this weird. I roll up to the swinging doors and stand up and walk through them. Inside I see that the black part of the college is much older and better kept than the white part. This young black guy walks up on his way to class and starts talking to me. All the wood in the hall of this half of the college is dark cherry wood and there is dramatic under lighting everywhere.
    Then my friend and Pork/Lure DJ Craig Spencer and the other Pork guys Dug and Clint are suddenly there in the hallway with me. Craig is looking at this giant marble sculpture of a fat woman that is kind of tucked away behind one of the walls. He seems very interested in it and is remarking something like " know most people would not realize that this building is pre World War II, but if you look at this sculpture you can see the dating of it is pre-World War II..." or something like that. I look at the sculpture and see that parts of the face are broken off. I imagine a PBS style documentary on the sculpture.
    Craig, Dug, Clint and I wander into one of the "Do Not Enter" areas and look down into the dark tunnels. There is a mural of a miner on the wall above us. There are also police barricades piled all over the entrance.


No dreams.


Whoa...creepy dream:

    I was at some weird building that was a combination of a kind of old fashioned public mansion - with tons of meeting rooms and stuff - sweeping staircase at the giant foyer and all - very "Gone With the Wind" - it looked like something a governor would live in in a movie. Anyway, this building also sometimes looked like the house I lived in briefly in Exton, PA with my family - as a teenager.
    Anyway...there appeared to be some weird thing outside the house - it was this series of concrete "tubes" or half-tubes that ran parallel to each other. They were very wide and ran about 100 yards long. It kind of looked like a skate park - with concrete mounds and "waves" for skaters to do tricks on. I was outside and was looking at this thing. There was snow on the ground and the bottom of each "tube" was covered in snow. My friend Erik was there, as well as Tom Green. Erik has the camera from our movie in his hand. Everyone is kind of hanging around - I don't know what's going on. I am walking on the bottom of one of the tubes and the walls are really high around me. Erik and Tom tell me I need to take off my shoes to walk in the snow. I do and when I walk in the snow in my socks, it melts the snow under my footsteps and I see green grass underneath. The sun is shining. I walk back into the house.
    It is now nighttime. I am with some blond woman and another young guy - they seem to be my friends but I've never seen them before. There is a "meeting" downstairs in one of the meeting rooms. It is an "awards" show - like the Tonys or something. I walk into the room and walk to the other side (right in front of the stage). Everyone is being really quiet because they are about to announce the big winner - everyone is on the edge of their seats and you could hear a pin drop. I wish I hadn't walked in at such an important moment. All the women are in beaded evening gowns. In the audience I see Vanna White, Amy Sedaris, Chi Chi Valenti and Johnny Dynell.
    I walk out of the room. I suddenly am aware that there is a murderer that is making his way to the house and wants to kill me. I get this real feeling of dread. I am wandering around the house looking out the windows into the snowy night for the arrival of the killer. I keep telling people in the house that someone is coming to kill me and they always say "Oh god OK I'll help you!" but then they just wander off and don't do anything. I see the people getting out of the award thing and they are all putting on their coats to leave. The house will soon be empty except for the blond woman and the young guy.
    The house is now empty and I don't know where the other two people are. All the lights are on inside the house and it's dark outside. It's really quiet and I'm really scared. I look out one of the front windows and suddenly the killer is in the yard - he is wearing colorful clothes and some kind of mask. He looks right at me and runs up to the window and walks right through the glass - somehow - and into the room. I run upstairs and hide in one of the rooms. I see the blond woman and whisper to her to call the police. She says she will but doesn't - she just wanders away. The young guy walks into the room and wonders what I'm doing. I tell him someone is in the house trying to kill me. He's like "Oh my God!" and then he turns and follows the blond woman, unconcerned. I turn around (I am crouched under a couch) and I see the killer with a cross-bow pointed right at me. He has saliva dripping out of the fake plastic teeth on his rubber mask. I jump up and the cross bow just misses me. I run into the hall by the stairs and am now fighting with the killer - who seems to have super human strength. I see the blond woman and the young guy right downstairs having a conversation - oblivious to me.
    I somehow evade the killer and am back in the room I was originally hiding in. I look out the window and see a green car. I know my only chance is to jump out the window and get in the car and start it somehow and drive away. I'm not sure I will be able to do this.
    I wake up.


    I am in Los angeles. It is daytime. I am hanging around Courney Love for some reason. She is always around me and whatever group of people I am with, she's always talking and smoking and giving us advice and stuff. Later in the dream I am walking on all these wooden stage level things that are covered in green astro-turf - out in the sun. As I am I run into Courtney and her new husband. She is in a wedding dress and they are actually in the process of getting married - which walking on these astro turf things seems to be a part of. I never see the groom but the wedding continues on.
    Then I am at some kind of make-shift village where a lot of teenagers live. All the buildings in the village are made of slabs of wood and plastic and tarp. I am in one building and I am with this group of kids that are all playing cards. I never seem to join in on the game or conversation - I just am watching from the sidelines. I realize that all these kids are struggling actors. I observe this one girl who has this weird ethnic mix. She has an unusual accent and is very pretty. I think to myself "She would be great to play the fortune teller in our film 'Head Case'!" - even though there is no fortune teller in our film. I go get Michael, who's somewhere in the village, and bring him to see the girl. The girl is in this drive-in window like at a fast food restaurant.


    I am on this remote island in the middle of somewhere. It is kind of a tropical paradise - except many of the beaches have large cliffs - like on the French coast. The island is huge - almost like a continent - with lots of different areas. I seem to be with some kind of crew - a film crew or a work crew that seems to be dis-assembling something and cleaning up for the "next" thing that is going to happen on the island. It turns out that groups of people come to this island to camp and totally rough it. A group of say, ten people will come to the island and totally rough it for like three months at a time. They will be the only ones on the island at the time and when they are done a whole new group will come take their place.
    The crew is cleaning up after the last crew. They are putting a tarp over the last two people who "survived" the camping trip. They are both dead, covered in blood, and are on the ground embracing each other's dead bodies. They have these looks of terror frozen on their dead faces. Yikes! All of this is in this really beautiful area that makes up the top of this cliff - it's this large clearing made from rock and stuff. Walls of rocks kind of enclose it and there's lots of lush plant life.
    I am hanging out in the clearing after the crew has left and the bodies are gone. Through this large "crack" in the rock surface that looks into another clearing, I see this creature that looks something like a weasel/ferret/wolf hybrid. It is a baby one and it's mother is probably near. I see this bird that looks like a parrot/bald eagle/hawk hybrid land near the crack (on the other side of it from me) and observe the ferret creature. The ferret creature sits just inches from the bird and observes it - it looks really cute. The bird is looking at the ferret thing kind of condescendingly - like it feels itself to be superior. Then the bird starts talking to the ferret thing in a parrot voice! It says stuff like "Oh you think you're so superior to me don't you? Why you can't eat me! You are just a baby and I am stronger and smarter than you!" The ferret thing is just kind of observing the bird thing at this point and ignoring what he's saying. Suddenly the ferret thing lunges up at the bird and starts literally ripping it to shreds! It does it very viscously and quickly and I can hear the bird saying "Aaagggghck!". I see the ferret thing has little pelican beaks for fingernails, ten of them, which are very sharp and can cut through the bird really quickly. I get a sense of danger and terror from this ferret thing and when he attacks the bird it makes me jump. I'm thinking stuff like "Nature is so cruel" I hear the sound of ripping flesh and I can see the ferret thing kind of pulling the bird into pieces. The bird's guts are these dark brown strings that have these little green, clear glass marble looking things attached to them. There is no blood. Are these animals robots?
    Suddenly it is nighttime, later, and I am with the new group of people that will be camping on the island for the next three months! We are setting up this tarp camp thing in the area I was just in. We are camping literally on top of where the two bodies were discovered earlier that day! We are all meeting and getting to know each other and talking about what it's going to be like. It turns out two of the campers have been on this trip before. One is a really handsome guy who is always doing push-ups and stretching while he's talking. The other is his overweigh side-kick. Everyone is listening intently to what they have to say about their experiences. The overweight guy is saying they have a problem with "very poisonous and powerful snakes" that seem to live deep inside the rock that makes up the island. If they bite you it is very dangerous. I picture myself getting bitten and one of the elderly female inhabitants having to cut the wound open with a knife and suck the poison out.
    Just as the overweight side kick is telling us this story about how he had to "Use a giant steam-gun to power steam all the collected sperm of the walls of the natural sauna inside one of the island's mountains" (huh?) we all hear this tremendous rumble and everyone starts to freak out. It a total earthquake!! We all start running to where the rumbling seems to be coming from. We get to this "house" that has been carved out of the rock in one of the mountains. Inside is an endless foyer with double stairs with railing that lead deep down inside the mountain. It turns out that when this guy "steamed" the walls of the sauna - it caused the poisonous snakes to burrow out of little holes in the walls. All the poisonous snakes coming out of the walls is causing an earthquake. I have this one girl camper and we are running up and down the grand stairs hand in hand - pulling each other this way and that. Stone is crumbling around us and black snakes are burrowing out of holes. There is even dramatic music plating on these loudspeakers in the hall!!! I realize now that this is one of those "Survivor"-type shows and we are all contestants who are competing for a grand prize and we have to vote everyone off week by week. No wonder this all seems so phony!
    Then suddenly it is the next morning. We are all on the edge of this gigantic cliff looking far off into the green, forest-y valley below - with the ocean and beach to the left. There is a female tour guide (!) leading us along the path and pointing to things in the valley that we are all looking at.
    Suddenly we see these two gigantic clear "glass" domes at the far end of the valley. They are right next to each other and a re huge - both are the size of several football fields in length. They seem to be made up of clear liquid that somehow holds it's shape in a dome. They look like the tops of jellyfish but are the size of planets. As we look at them we see that they are kind of "swirling" very slowly. There are trails of clear liquid that the two giant domes seem to be pulling from in the valley to maintain their shape. They collect this liquid and then swirl and maintain their dome shape. The edges of each clear dome are glowing - one yellow and one red. The tour guide tells us that these are a type of volcano - a double liquid volcano that pulls thick gooey water from the island and forms these domes - that rise and fall as the speed of the spinning changes. The spinning action causes zillions of dollars worth of jewels to form on the floor of the domes. She says that the jewels inside the domes are worth more money than there is in the world. The domes are protected by the government that owns the island (who?) and cannot be excavated. They are really spectacular to look at - they were very vivid in the dream. As I am looking at them I can hear that they let out this tremendous "roar" that I can pick up from a distance. I imagine a tourist area set up around the domes with a clear glass tunnel that allows people to go inside one of the domes and look at the glowing jewels on it's floor.
    Suddenly I am in the "mall plaza" section of the island (huh?) that has all these shops that people can buy things at. Whatever. I am with one of the female contestants. She is a bank financier from London (I see a brief 'vision' of her with her business friends on a London street deciding if it is a good time to be on the 'Survivor'-like show or not because it is a pivotal point in the English banking market or something). We are in a little shop that sells these little flower arrangements. All the women that run the shop are very elderly. They always say things like "Isn't that arrangement lovely" and "Can I help you find something dear?" over and over and over. I soon realize that these shopkeepers are robots programmed to do only one thing. Was the tour guide a robot too? This must be how there can be other "people" on the island to help us "camp" without there actually being people. The girl I am with is looking at these little basket flower arrangements on a shelf. She keeps picking them up and checking the bottoms of them with her fingers. She is putting her fingers in this hole that is in the bottom of each little basket and checking something. I soon start doing this too. I soon realize that these little basket flower arrangements are alive and we are checking their temperature by putting our fingers in their assholes. Weird.
    Then I see this image of the girl I'm with in her "hotel room" on the island (huh?) and she has a folder on each contestant - she is gathering information on each person and filing it away. I see her hugging some of the other female contestants and they are kind of bowing down to her like she's royalty. I think she may win the game. Or will she?


    I can't remember much from the dream. I think Vincent Price was in it at some point (I saw a comedian doing an impersonation of him on TV the other night). Hmmmm...I remember it being nighttime and there were some long corridors made out of concrete - and they had no roofs - just open into the night air. I think me and some other people might have been walking along the corridors and Vincent was helping us with some advice or something. I remember looking up and seeing something that looked like a complex highway overpass or something - but there were no cars on it, like a ghost highway. I think there was wind and lightening too.


    I had another dream about the guy who I used to have a crush on that dressed like James Dean and was always playing pool at The Phoenix (whom I recently found out was on some TV show called 'The Mole' recently but I never even knew it because I don't really watch TV and now he lives in LA - life is so weird). He's been in some of my dreams in the past. Anyway, I don't know why I dreamed about him again.
    I was living in this building that looked like it was designed by some "modern" architect. All clean lines and minimal open spaces and stuff. It was in this little village that looked like something out of a Jaques Tati film (who appeared in the dream later). I lived with my brother in this tiny little cramped room. It had wooden shutters on the windows and I think the walls were made of this grass-like stuff. We were laying in bed side by side and were watching this beat-up old black and white TV. We had a blanket over us and our bare feet were poking out of the end of the bed. If we opened the windows we saw a rainforest/jungle outside - at night - even though I knew outside the building was a daytime urban setting. We lived on the third floor. Our room at the time was lit up with a yellow light.
    I went down into the lobby of the building and was getting out of the elevator. When I got out I saw the Phoenix-guy I was somehow able to transform into this blond woman (so the Phoenix guy couldn't see me?) I looked in the mirror and I was this blond woman but I had this giant plant/pod thing on my head - like an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" pod or something - but it was dead and hollow. I looked exactly like that blond woman in "Andy Warhol's Bad" who hires the woman to get revenge on the guy who pushed her piano-playing boyfriend onto the subway tracks.
    I walk through the lobby and I see the Phoenix-guy. I am trying very hard to not let him see me for some reason. I feel like I have a perfect disguise - the pod on my head blends beautifully with the tropical wallpaper. He is sitting on the couch talking to friends. I get back into the elevator and I see Jaques Tati. He is making a brief "appearance" in my dream as Mr. Hulot - jut like Alfred Hitchcock made brief cameos in his films. I remember Mr. Tati had a pipe that looked too small for his face - and his trademark raincoat.
    I m now outside the building and am myself again. It is sunset. I am approaching the building I live in and can see inside the first-story building I live in. I see the Phoenix-guy and I turn around and walk the other direction so he won't see me. I know he is aware of me but pretends not to see me either. I can kind of "see" what he is doing as I have my back turned and am walking in the other direction. He has his back to the window and is smoking a cigarette. He has a wild haircut.


No dreams.


Too busy to record dreams.


    I'm observing some man who's pulling some kind of stunt. He's standing on the very tippy top of a tall flagpole. He is in a trance and that is what allows him to stand motionless and keep his balance. I keep imagining him falling and then I keep picturing myself in his place. I keep alternating - sometimes I am down looking up at him, sometimes I am down looking up at me in his place. But I never see things from his perspective.
    When I wake up I imagine a band name: "The Automatic Beets".


No dreams.


    I am staying in some weird town that is very strange. There are building scattered around and there is a lot of lush greenery - trees and giant bushes and rolling green lawns and hills and stuff. The architecture of the buildings ranges from really "modern" looking - to buildings that look like they were assembled out of junk by some wacky folk artist - like a building made of cars with a tractor hull as the roof - and hat racks sticking out of the head like antennae and hubcaps as eyes - making the top the "head". The buildings are scattered in the town really far apart - there is a lot of space around.
    At one point I am in one of the modern buildings. I am inside and I am with Julianne Moore and one other guy. We are in the building at night - I think it's dusk actually - and we are doing something illegal. I think we are breaking into the building for some reason. We are videotaping room after room after room. The rooms have overhead lighting which makes circular patterns on the orange industrial carpet. At one point Julianne is stuck in this square hole in one of the walls and we are taping he legs sticking out of the wall.
    Then I am with Julianne and the other guy and my dad is in the room and he is yelling at us for what we did. We are all ignoring him.
    Then it is daylight again and I am approaching this motel. The motel doubles as a movie drive-in. They are showing old cult movies all the time and every time I look at the marquee on the lawn outside - the movies listed changes. They are kind of mixed up versions of movies I "I Spit On the Momma", "Gumball That Attacked Rollercoaster" and "They Came From Beneath the Women of the Moon".
    I am walking up to the front of the motel - I can see that they are showing movies in the courtyard of the motel (in the sunshine?). There are all these Hell's Angel's biker types hanging around. I get the impression that they are re-enacting the scenes from the movies they had just seen - like pretending to shoot each other with imaginary guns and stuff like that.
    I walk through this hall in the motel and suddenly I find myself in this big empty room that looks like an abandoned warehouse or something. It has old brick walls and the floor is this slanted, giant layer of dust/dirt that seem to be slowly falling from the walls and ceiling as time is going by. The whole place is very old. I look outside the room and see outside - it looks like a lush rain forest. I realize that this room is the sauna of a health club - which I am in. The air is very thick and moist.
    Suddenly I am interacting with this very handsome Dominican guy. It is apparently someone I have been romantic with before. We talk a little while and decide to hang out later in the evening.
    Then suddenly I am in the street and it's nighttime and there is a fantastic party going on all around me. Like Mardi Grais or something. I keep seeing people I know - I am concerned about making plans with them because I know I'm supposed to hook up with this guy later. I'm always like "Oh - I can't I have plans already."
    I go to the motel parking lot - now it's day - and all the Hell's Angel's guys are trying to shoot me with their imaginary guns. I run away and go to the modern looking church from before. The Dominican guy is there - and it looks like other people may live in the church. I ask him what he is doing and he yells "I was recording a documentary about my Dominican/Asiian ethic background man!!! Long like the Dominican/Asian race!!!" Then I imagine the two of us having sex.


    All I remember was this weird part of my dream where my forearm - which I had my arm propped on while I was sleeping - kind of started turning into this little miniature of an old Hollywood-set-style western ghost town - with blowing dust and tumbleweeds and all. As I moved my arm the little ghost town set. I could control the set with the way I was positioning my arm as I slept. I was wondering as I did it if there was really a set like this at Universal Studios in Los Angeles that was moving the way the one in my dream was. I imagined myself looking in the news the next morning to see if there were any earthquakes in California the night before.

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