Mark Allen's Dream Journal - December, 2003
*note: Date of dream entry refers to day before,the date of the night I went to sleep and the dream I had into the next day's date.


    I am a little Spanish woman, in my 60's. I am about 5 feet tall and I work as a maid for several different wealthy apartment dwellers in the Los Angeles area. I am "observing" myself in this dream. For some reason I am visiting a high-rise penthouse apartment on afternoon, maybe to see if I want to work for the tenants. I have on some weird old granny hat and white gloves and a patent leather purse. I don't think I speak English very well. It looks funny as I walk along the expensive tile floors in the spacious foyer of the massive apartment... I'm just this little run with a granny hat on... moving along like R2-D2.
    At one point I decide I have seen enough of the apartment and decide to leave (I don't even think I spoke to the owners). I walk over to the elevator (which opens right into the penthouse) and push the button. The elevator doors open, but instead of leading to an elevator... they lead to a hallway outside the apartment (still on the top floor). The hallway is dramatically lit and has maroon industrial carpet and maroon walls. I walk along the hallway and I think to myself "Ahhhhh! Fresh air! It's so nice to be out of that apartment! I'm free!" for some reason. Then, I pass a tall, fat bald man in a gray business suit... he is walking towards the apartment. He looks at me and says "You're not out. You've got a long way to go!"
    Suddenly I stop and remember that the elevator buttons actually consisted of a row of three little metal switches. One was for the elevator doors, one was for the hallway on the ground level of the building, and one was to open the main door in the lobby to exit out onto the street. You had to activate each switch to exit each "layer" of getting out of the building, in that order ...all while standing there at the elevator door in the penthouse (somehow). I realize that I was naive to think I could just push the elevator button in the penthouse and be "out" of there. I realize that there are many layers to getting "out" of somewhere I feel trapped and I was foolish to not have gone through all the steps with all the metal switches. I walk back to the penthouse to do that.


    I dreamed I was Paris Hilton on the set of the TV show "The Simple Life". I woke up from a nap in the house, in the bed in my and Nicole's bedroom, late afternoon... and looked all around me. There was no one at all in the whole farm house, not even Nicole. I was totally alone and sitting up in bed. The open windows of the bedroom revealed a cloudy and tornado-y sky outside, the wind was blowing. I just started looking slowly around the dim room and outside and started to freak out about how quiet everything was. It seemed like an eternity for my just to scan the room and look outside. Everything was so slow and still. I could really hear the soft "roar" that you hear sometimes when you go out to quiet parts of the country after being in the noisy city for a long time. Like the sound of carpet hushing in a quiet room. Outside the window everything was wind-blown, and I could hear a metal something clanking way off in the distance. It was really spooky. Then the "dream camera eye" cut back and I could see myself looking out from the bed as Paris. I had giant red pants on and looked really pensive. It was mind blowing how still and quiet everything was.


No dreams.


No dreams.


    I'm at what appears to be The Academy Awards. It is being held in a giant auditorium that looks more like a school auditorium than a fancy theater in Hollywood. When you exit the rear doors behind the seats, there is even a series of tile/brick/industrial carpeted hallways that look like a school or library. I just seem to be hanging around in the audience, and out in the hallway, observing everything. I especially have access to Sharon Stone, who's I'm constantly watching get ready for her appearance on the stage to present an award. I almost get the sense that I'm "watching over" her. She is out in the hallway, alone, trying to fit into this shimmering, golden lame and sequined dress. You can hear the ceremony going on loudly right on the other side of the wall. She is trying to get ready in time for her cue. I am just kind of standing there watching her fit into the dress. In order to fit into the dress, she has to twist her body into all kinds of elaborate positions... almost like yoga - but not graceful. At one point she is standing, with both feet pointed outwards in opposite directions, squatted down slightly so her thighs are parallel with the floor, and she has this beautiful gold, shimmering material all bunched up around her upper body as she sties to snake into the dress. You can't see her head at all. She bounces up and down in that position and is like "Ungh! U-u-u-u-ngh! Arrggghhh!!!" as she tries to get it on. Finally she gets it on and she looks great. Her hair is somewhat long-ish and tousled, different shades of blond and highlights. She then starts looking at herself in the reflection of the glass partitions in the hallway. I think she asks "How do I look?" out into the air and I don't say anything because I don't think she was really asking for a response anyway. I think it's weird that she's out here getting ready to go on The Academy Awards alone, with no dressers or assistants. Then she runs into the theater to make her cue.
    Then some time seems to have passed. Sharon has had her award presentation on stage. I am still in the hallway and Sharon is now meeting with the press. The press area is this laughably amateur set-up. It looks like a school desk has simply been placed in the middle of the hall, and a cheap, old video camera with a crappy microphone is pointed at the desk. Sharon sits at the desk while a reporter sits down with her and reads from a list of questions on a piece of paper. The reporter's look and attitude make it seem like a high school project oral report or something.
    While this weird interview is going on... way in the background, down at the other end of the hall, I see what looks like a dance performance by two very old Hollywood legends. The two performers are one male, one female. The woman is wearing sequined black shorts, tap shoes, a tuxedo top and coat, and a sequined black top hat. The male is wearing a typical black tuxedo. The female may be Rosalind Russell and I think the man may be Vincent Price. They are holding scripts in their hands as they dance... and they read the lyrics from the song they sing as they dance too. They seem to have not rehearsed at all and are cracking up and goofing off at all the mistakes they keep making. There is no musical accompaniment at all, which is weird. They seem to be performing for a girl who is holding a cheap video camera and recording them. the girl is similar to the one interviewing Sharon Stone - very high school-y. I realize soon that the girl's video camera has a video feed that is broadcasting the dance onto a screen on the stage in the auditorium, and is a big part of the awards show. I hear the audience on the other side of the wall roar with applause and laughter as Rosalind and Vincent laugh and crack up and dance and sing from their scripts. It's weird because I can hear the taps of their shoes on the hallway tile floor louder than anything else. I shift my focus and watch Sharon, who is still being interviewed by the girl, and I see that Sharon is speaking very normally but no sound is coming out of her mouth.


No dreams.


    I dreamed I was Beryl Reid in the film "The Killing of Sister George" - but I wasn't in the film... I was on set maybe. Or maybe I existed as her character in the film. Anyway... all I remember is I was sitting down on some bench, and someone grabbed a chair and sat on it backwards, straddling it, facing me. They were right in my face and were staring at me really hard. Like they wanted to get a reaction out of me. I just sat there.


No dreams.


    I'm in some house in a vast, beautiful, woodland forest - very fairy tale-like... kind of like the Redwood Forests near Mount Rushmore. It is night time and I am with some people in the kitchen of the house. Apparently, at the other end of the house... is some kind of evil force. Like a crazy murderer or malevolent spirit or something. The thing is, one by one, people from our group keep leaving the kitchen and walking over to that end of the house. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. It's this weird accepted thing in our group - that some people might not come back from the other side of the house (after visiting the malevolent force) after leaving our group.
    Sitting next to me in the kitchen, on a bench that is part of the kitchen table, is a man and a small child - which I assume is his. He keeps bouncing the child on his knee and stuff... playing with it. At one point the man gets up and takes his kid with him. It is his "turn" to go visit the evil force on the other side of the house. When he comes back a few minutes later, he seems fine. But I suspect that now there is something wrong with him... like the force is secretly inside him now or something. I am sitting there on the bench and he is once again sitting next to me. I am kind of looking around the kitchen and everyone is silent... I have the feeling that something is going to happen. Suddenly, I look over at the man and he splits in two and what looks like this slow-motion-moving ocean wave of pastel pink liquid comes pouring out of him towards me. The liquid moves very slow and has the look of a cresting ocean wave - but pale pink. As this happens he goes "Blaaarrrggghhh!!!" somehow through his split open face. I recoil and get off the bench... I was right! The evil force was inside him and now it's attacking me! I then see another person in the kitchen explode in half and a light blue liquid comes out of them towards me... "Blaaarrrggghhh!!!" Everyone is possessed!
    I run hurriedly out of the kitchen and outside of the house into the night woods (which seem to have dramatic, overhead lighting somehow). I am running as fast as I can because I see that the pink and blue liquid have joined together and are pouring out of the front door and will quickly flood the whole forest. I find a tree and start to climb it to avoid letting the liquid touch me. I climb to the middle part of the tree and suddenly become entangled in some old wires and extension cords that are in the tree for some reason. I can't seem to get out of the cords o climb higher in the trees to get away from the liquid. Suddenly, I feel something grabbing at my feet. I look down and it's actress Halle Berry. She has kind of long hair and is carrying some paper and folders in her hand. She is reaching up at me and saying "Mark what are you doing!? Get down from that tree right now and come inside!" I look around and don't see any trace of the liquid anywhere.


    I seem to be on the roof of what looks like an elaborate cathedral. The roof is made of black metal and has all kinds of ornate spires and flying buttresses. There are also a bunch of glowing white globes (frosted glass with light inside them so they glow white), large and small - some of the globes are so big that they are halfway into the roof and are actually domes. I am standing on an angled part of the roof - which is complex and has many sections. The sky is dark (night? stormy?) and there is a dim light everywhere.
    Somehow... I am able to place my head against the metal roof and "merge" through it and look and see what is going on under the ceiling of the inside of the cathedral (like wearing a snorkeling mask and moving back and forth above and below the water's surface). The "energy" beneath the roof, inside the cathedral, is totally opposite of the outside... very light and warm. I keep moving my head back and forth and noticing the difference. But soon, I take a closer look and see that below the ceiling is not the inside of a cathedral at all. When I lower my head through the roof and look inside... what I see is actually a totally different reality. What I see is impossible; it looks like a small village farm house somewhere in europe. Plus my perspective is impossible. Even though my head is just poked below the ceiling... what I see is a sunny scene as if I'm standing at the front gate of the country house with it far ahead of me and the blue sunny sky above. I just keep moving my head back and forth between the stormy night cathedral roof and the farm house. Am I able to move through two dimensions by moving my head through the cathedral roof?
    Soon things get creepy though. There is a mound of something right in front of me as I "see" standing at the front gate of the country house, something I hadn't noticed at first. It's a mis-shapen mound of what looks like gourds and dried fruit. As I notice it closer I see that it is actually a swelled, rotting human head... a very large on. It's really creepy and gross. It has lipstick and eye shadow and rouge and false eyelashes garishly painted on it. Plus a ratty, greasy wig. It also has a strand of pearls around the neck. It's kind of lopsided over to an angle, like a rotting pumpkin. The head also seems to be smiling. Somehow... I know that this is the head of a european drag queen or transsexual that I have known for a long time (in my dream reality - I don't recognize it from real life), and that she has always kept her residence a secret from me - and that this is her house. She somehow metaphysically "arranged" for me to be able to be on this cathedral roof and be able to poke my head through it in and out and "see" her country house (or be there - as the passage through the roof seems to actually take me to the location). This is her country house, and this is her head... which she lovingly severed and placed at her front gate to finally welcome me to the home she had kept a secret from me for so long. I see her smiling dead head and feel a gesture of love coming from it.
    The whole thing creeps me out and I keep moving my head halfway between the outside dark cathedral roof and the severed head transsexual farm house realities - one eye in each, half and half - so I don't have to look at the severed head too much.


    I live in my apartment here in NYC, but it looks very different. I also have a little dog. I also have a roommate that I do not know. It is daytime and I am in the apartment with my dog and roommate. Jim and mine's friend Amy has decided to move in with us. She walks up the stairs to our apartment and comes in and says hello. She has her own dog, which is identical to mine. She tells us that there is some guy that always hangs out on the street outside, a real shifty guy, that is looking for her. She asks if she can stay here for a while before she goes home to get all her things to move in... to escape the guy looking for her. I say it's no problem. She sets down her dog and it starts to play with my dog. Then she goes over to the window and starts looking at stuff on that side of the room. It is daylight outside and the sun is shining through the dirty glass on the window. Suddenly we all hear a male voice outside on the street going "Aaaammmmmyyyy! Aaaammmmyyy!!!" It's the guy looking for her. Then we all hear the guy get onto the fire escape outside and start to climb up it. He is looking inside all the apartment windows in the building, looking for Amy. We hear him get close to our window. As his head pokes up in our window I yell to Amy "Get down! Don't let him see your face!" but as I do she ducks down to late and he sees her. I know for some reason that this guy knowing that Amy now lives in this apartment is a very bad thing. Then suddenly my dog runs out the door and out into the street. I run and chase after it. The streets look nothing like NYC, they look more suburban. I look and look for my dog but can't find it. I know it's gone forever.
    Then a scenario shift: I'm kind of "observing" Bryan from Austin in what looks like the giant front yard of a house he lives in now. He is making arrangements of flowers and bedding in the yard... like he just moved in and is doing the landscaping. I see rows and rows of different colored flowers making stripes in the green grass. I suddenly remember him (in the dream only) emailing me asking if he should create stripes of rainbows in his front yard using flowers. I remember I kept emailing him back telling him I didn't care.
    Then another scenario shift: I am on a bus in the daytime. It is crowded and chaotic. I am riding with someone but I can't see who they are. Suddenly this very old woman, kind of homeless looking, in the middle of the bus stands up and starts giving some kind of speech, panhandling. Some people look at her and some kind of look down at their papers or whatever. She then sits down but keeps giving her little speech. It's pretty annoying. Suddenly, these three white teenagers (two guys and a girl) sitting near her start to loudly mock her right to her face. They start imitating her and hissing over her speaking. One of them, the girl, grabs her hat off her head and puts it on her own head and starts yelling at the bus. The old woman looks very scared but just keeps giving her speech in vain, with frightened eyes. What's weird is that the energy in the bus totally shifts... where as before everyone was kind of annoyed with the woman... they now hate the teenagers even more than that (because they are being very mean and cruel) and are in support of the panhandling woman. Everyone seems pissed but no one does anything. Finally I go over to the teenagers and yell at them and tell them to stop. The energy in the bus shifts once again, everyone is watching now to see what will happen, and the old woman has stopped giving her speech. The teenagers stare at me stunned and silent for a second. Then their verbal wraith turns to me and they start mocking me. The two guys stand up and move away from the girl and over to the middle door as their stop must be next. They keep yelling at me and saying how they are going to kick my ass and make me pay. They keep talking back and forth to each other loudly about how they are going to make me regret what I did. the girl is also yelling at me from her sat, over their voices. Near the door they are standing at is a poster that has a picture of a desert and a rattlesnake coiled around some cowboy boots and it says "Visit Dallas!" One of the guys points to the poster and says menacingly "Maybe we should take him to Texas! That'd teach him a lesson he'll never forget!" and the other guys says "Yea!" and the girl way back in her seat meanly yells "Yea! Hahaha! Tex-aaaasss!" they keep yelling at me and I know they are about to exit the bus as it is slowing down and they are waiting at the exit door. They keep saying "When this bus stops you're gonna regret what you did!" but I know it's all just talk. I just stand there waiting for them to get off so I can sit back down in my seat and everything will be back to normal.


    I just remember some brief "scene" of what looked like luminescent bright pink bubblegum... or maybe pink taffy... (or pink colored pizza cheese?) tons of it, being stretched into all kinds of stringy configurations in front of a black background. The black background seemed like a void.


    There was something involving a small dog. There was a tunnel I was in... made of Plexiglas and girders, like one that you would see that goes underwater in a walk-through aquarium (except there was no water... it was outside). There was a guy in a sweater and tan slacks and glasses and gray hair. He was laughing about my dog. For some reason I know he had "power" over my dog and could take it from me if he decided to. If he decided to take my dog I know that it would fly out of my hands (I was holding the dog) and shoot straight up into the sky.

12/15/03 - ?/?/?:

    As you can see I am taking a little break from recording my dreams. I'm sure I'll pick it up again in the next week or so. Go read some old ones. They always look new to me... and I dreamed and wrote them!


    It should be noted: before I had the following dream... I inexplicably woke up in the middle of the night, wide awake (very unlike me)... and sat up and looked around my bedroom. I felt totally awake and energized and had the overwhelming sense that someone was in the apartment that shouldn't be there. I quickly got up and looked around and no one was there. Everything was locked tight. I couldn't get this video documentary about ghosts that Jim had showed me once out of my head. I kept thinking about the documentary and all it said about ghosts and malevolent spirits inhabiting old buildings and showing up at certain times of the day or year and making their presence known through people's emotions. I don't really believe in ghosts but I got such a strong feeling that something in my apartment was trying to make itself known that I couldn't deny it. I also couldn't believe how wide awake I arose after sleeping so normally... usually at that phase of my sleep cycle I am deep asleep. It was just starting to break dawn outside and I finally felt so creeped out that I turned a few lights on and tried to go back to sleep. I laid back down, fell asleep, and had the following dream:
    It is a beautiful, sunny day. I am in Michael's apartment. I am back in the kitchen, near the bathroom... working on something (sewing?)  From where I am, I can see into the bathroom and out the bathroom window, which looks out onto the back courtyard... this window also allows me a vast view of the isle of Manhattan, the river, and New Jersey (in the dream I can see all this through the window).
    At the other end of the apartment, the end that faces the street, far away from where I am, is Michael and a bunch of people I do not know. they are all loudly working on something. I turn and look back outside the bathroom window over the courtyard and Manhattan and New Jersey. I start to see the ground far off in the distance kind of subtly undulate. Then I see Manhattan undulating. Soon I see the courtyard walls and surrounding buildings start to kind of sway. I then feel the kitchen I am in start to shake and sway back and forth. I then hear a rumbling sound and I realize a huge earthquake is happening... right here in NYC. I panic and wonder what to do. I had often wondered what I would do if I was high up in a building in NYC and a huge earthquake struck (i.e.; Stay in the building and hope it didn't crumble? Try to make it down the stairwell and out into the street in time in case it does or is going to crumble? Jump out the window and take my chances?) all this runs through my head and I turn and face the other end of the apartment where everyone else is. I scream over the loud rumbling "It's an EARTHQUAKE!!!" and everyone stops what they are doing and looks over at me. I hold onto my seat as the building literally buckles and sways. I look out the bathroom window again and start to see buildings in the courtyard collapsing in a cloud of dust... right next to this building (I also see buildings in Manhattan far off in the distance collapsing). I am completely freaking out. Should I jump out the window? Run down the stairs? I look over at Michael and the group of people and see them all, as a group, make a quick exodus for the apartment door and then run down the stairwell. None of them even tried to get me or grab me and take me with them. I wonder if I should follow them. I look over at the bathroom window and just as I do... the bathroom itself falls downwards in a puff of dust and noise. The back of Michael's building has now detached itself from the rest of the building and collapsed. I am sitting in a chair in the kitchen in the still standing part of the building... the building is still violently shaking and I am still completely freaking out. Then I look over and see the front half of Michael's apartment... along with the part of the building that supported it, collapse just like the back bathroom part did. Now only the center of Michael's apartment, and that part of the building, is standing.
    Then all is quiet. I am still in the chair with the open sides of the fractured building to my left and right. Somehow miraculously the part of the building the kitchen was in stayed standing while the rest crumbled. It all happened so fast... maybe ten seconds. I wonder if Michael and his group made it down and outside before the building fell on them (the part containing the stairwell is collapsed)? I look out into the courtyard. I see dust and rubble everywhere. I head far of screaming and crying everywhere. I look out over NYC and New Jersey and see about 1/3 of everything is in ruins. There are fires dotting the landscape.
    I am somehow able to climb down the back part of the gutted building and downwards to the courtyard. A girl from another floor joins me and we make it all the way down to the ground. The courtyard is immense... like a little village. We (the girl and I) walk around and see lots of people weeping and placing little funeral wreathes in certain places.

NOTE: After this, I took a long break from recording dreams... did not resume until March, 2004.

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