Mark Allen's Dream Journal - January, 2003
*note: Date of dream entry refers to day before,the date of the night I went to sleep and the dream I had into the next day's date.


    I'm in some weird environment where it's like some dark mall or something. There are no windows to the outside. The walls and floors and ceilings of the mall are covered in black industrial carpeting so it makes it extra dark. A lot of the walls in the mall are at tilting angles. The mall doesn't really seem to have stores as much as it has these little oddly-shaped doorways spaced evenly along it's indoor expanse that open up into separate nightclubs or spaces where there are parties or shows.
    There is one doorway in particular that I keep going in an out of - one performance space. The entryway is this long, twisted hallway that keeps winding back and forth before it lets you into the performance space. The walls of the hallway are tilted at all angles like the set of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" or something - and they are covered floor to ceiling in the same black industrial carpeting and weird moody lighting that the rest of the mall is decorated in. In the performance space... these people are putting on some kind of weird fashion show. There aren't going to be people modeling clothes on the runway... but there are going to be some kind of special "beings" walking up and down the runway during the show for the audience... and the organizers of the show are very excited about it. I seem to be there because the organizers of the show have hired me to come up with an idea for what the beings should be, and what they should be doing - the entire concept is relying on me. The show is tomorrow night.
    I go back to my "living space" in the weird mall (I seem to never leave the mall) and it looks like a dark, high-tech laboratory. There are test tubes and scientific equipment and white mice in big glass cages everywhere. I am pacing around my weird laboratory/apartment trying to come up with a concept for the show. I get a phone call:
    It's one of the organizers of the show. He has an idea for me. He says it would be really cool, he thinks, if the "beings" that walked down the runway were giant, white, floating spermatozoa... and that the spermatozoa would float to the end of the runway... stop... and "give birth" to little baby embryos that would then float all around the stage. I tell him that is interesting and that I'll think about it.
    I pace around trying to think of more ideas. Then I get another call:
    It's a friend of mine. I start to tell him the idea about the floating spermatozoa. Just as I am on the phone with him, I start to "see" the show happening at the performance space right as I am talking to my friend. It appears to be going on a day early - right now! Why didn't they tell me? I can "see" that they have these giant, glowing white embryo/spermatozoa things floating down the stage and that when they reach the end of the stage, these black squid things slither out of the bottom of them and float all around the stage - like they are underwater. I am saying to my friend "Oh my God! They are having the show without me! Right now! And they stole my idea! I have to get right over there!" I hang up and run to the performance space.
    As I enter the twisted hallway to get into the space - I find that I can suddenly "hover" above the ground. I can just keep my body straight and glide along the hallway. The center of my body acts like an axis that I can turn left and right from and steer myself. I feel very confident as I float through the winding hallway into the space and to the show where they are using my ideas. I see lots of people in the hall and as I pass they all look at me and I know they know who I am.
    I don't remember dreaming it... but in the end of the dream I know I get into the space and find that they had hired someone else after I had left earlier to come up with the concept (without telling me). This other person had been the person that called me earlier, and pretended to be one of the show's organizers who told me the idea about the floating spermatozoa. I find out that the show is over and everyone loved it. I feel incredibly confused and disappointed and left out. I am thinking "They just wanted to use me to steal my ideas" even though someone else had called to tell me the idea. Weird.


No dreams.

1/3/03 - 1/24/03:

Sorry for the long delay ...again. My computer broke down ...again. And was in the shop ...again.


    I was doing something in some large house. It seemed like an old fashioned house... like Victorian style or something. I remember Jim and Gregory and David and some other people were there. We seemed to be moving large pieces of plywood around... up and down the stairs. The whole situation had a very college-y air about it. I'm pretty sure we (the house) were (was) in Texas. I could see out the windows that it was overcast outside... daytime. I had the feeling that I was on some sort of time limit... like I had a deadline or something. That's all I remember.


    I think last night's dream was a weird extension of yesterday's - at least that's how I remember it. I remember me and David and Gregory and Jim in the same big old house... moving pieces of big plywood around. It was still daytime (the next day?) and I remember noticing that the bars on the hand rails on all the staircases were wood -  painted bright white, with natural (stained dark) banisters. I think the stairs may have been carpeted. That's it.


My dreams have been very skittish and hard to remember these last few days:

    All I remember is sitting in a diner (bar?) at a booth with blue vinyl cushioned seats. The place had dark wood and neon tubes as it's main decorating motif... I think olive green industrial carpet too. I was sitting down at the booth with a girl I do not know who was kind of homely and had bushy, long black hair. We both had glasses with big straws in front of us. Were we on a date or something? I could see through the window in the front that it was daytime outside - very bright and sunny and hot. Again... I get the impression that I was back in Texas in college.


    I am living in some strange, suburban town. It is always daytime and overcast in the town. I seem to be good friends with actress Drew Barrymore. I somehow know this in the dream. I am at home, wherever I live, alone. Somehow I know that Drew and a bunch of her friends are in some warehouse space or abandoned office building somewhere near the downtown area - having a party or something. I somehow know that the party lasted all night... and that as the evening wore on... all the people there realized that the doors to the building they were in were permanently locked from the outside and that they could not get out. No one cared and they just kept party-ing on and on... laughing about being locked in a building. But now it is the next morning and they are all tired and filthy and hung over and they are trapped inside the building. Apparently they cannot open any windows or anything and there is no air and it is getting very hot. There are no phones in the building and none of them have cell phones.
    Somehow though, Drew calls me at home and asks me to come "rescue" her and her friends trapped inside the building downtown. I say that I will be right there and I go out into my driveway and get into a little car that looks like an old 70's Gremlin. It is brown or gold/auburn or rust colored and very ugly. As I drive to the downtown area I see that everything in the town is gray or brown or maroon or rust and overcast and dingy and dirty. Everything seems cast in sepia tone. I get to the busy street where the abandoned office space where Drew and her friends are trapped is. I park on the opposite side of the street from the building. I look across and see Drew and her friends up in one of the upper floor windows. I see them moving around and anxious to get out. One floor below them are all these people walking outside on the sidewalk... I don't know why Drew and her friends didn't just bang on the windows or break one and call for help... or crawl out. But somehow I "know" that they did try banging loudly on the windows for hours at one point and for some reason no one seemed to notice them. I see Drew telling her friends that I have arrived and they all start jumping up and down excitedly. I see that Drew has this huge and very odd "wig" on her head. It looks more like a giant sculpture made out of hair... or a bunch of old wigs attached together... than an actual wig. It has all these "tentacles" or "arms" made of hair and it just flops all over her head as she moves around. I walk across the street to let them out... I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do this... but I know that somehow I will be able to do it easily.


I seem to be walking around my old college town with someone who is always changing. They are always shifting back and forth between the following people: my old college friend Shane, Domenic, Gregory, Guillaume, Dave Doorknob and Jim. My college town seems to have changed a lot, but all the basic elements are still there. As we walk around the campus and the town, it is a gorgeous, lush, sunny, breezy Spring day. I am walking around different streets and showing my morphing friend everything... telling him little stories about every corner and building and space. At one point we are walking through a dorm I lived in at one point and I am amazed about how much of it has changed. We walk by several rooms I lived in and then end up in the cafeteria. The cafeteria looks really hi-tech now.
    At one point we are walking along this sunny, tree-lined street that has the parking lot of some stores on one side and houses, fraternity houses, on the other side. We pass what looks like an old Photomat booth (that is still open). At this point the person is definitely Domenic... I am explaining to him that this is a very special street. I have a very warm and centered feeling as I am walking down the street with him.
    Then... a scenario shift: Suddenly we stumble upon this strange movie theater. I think my morphic friend is now Guillaume or Dave Doorknob. We don't have tickets to get in but we wander into one of the crowded theaters anyway. My morphic friend may be Jim now. The back seats of the theater have this weird glass/plexi-glass partition separating them from the rest of the seats. My morphic friend says we should sit in the very back row... which I hate doing at any show or event - but which some people always insist on. I kind of resent my friend for this but I sit down anyway. The people in the theater are very rowdy before the film starts. There are ticket-checkers walking around checking everyone's ticket stubs with flashlights. I am afraid that we are going to get caught without a ticket.
    Suddenly, I get the impression that we are in France, or another foreign country - because everyone seems to be speaking another language... and the style of dress seems slightly different. I look over at my morphic friend... who is now a cross between Dave Doorknob and Jim... and he is very fat and is sprawled out all over the seat with bags of potato chips and plates of Mexican food all around... munching on everything and talking really loudly. I think he looks like a total sloth at this point and am annoyed by him. He keeps munching on his food and looking all around him and saying "Aren't these seats great? I love to sit in the back so I can keep my eye on everyone!" through the food he is chewing and splatting everywhere (even splatting onto the plexiglass partition in front of him). He's like Jabba The Hut. Ugh.
    I get too grossed out and tell my morphic friend that I am going to go sit up front. He says OK. I go and find an empty section of seats in the very second row. There is room for me to kind of relax and spread my feet out and get lost in the film. The film starts... I can't remember what it was but I get the impression that it was a 1960's or 1970's American film that was very popular.
    When the film is over... I notice that not a single person in the crowded theater is getting up to leave... or even getting their belongings together like they might leave soon (this is while the end credits are rolling). I think this is odd and wonder if maybe they are sticking around for something I don't know about that is going to happen after the film. I go back and find my friend. We decide to leave. I get the impression that we might get caught for not having tickets again.
    We go out of the theater and go outside and now my morphic friend is definitely Guillaume. Suddenly we are in a car and are driving far away. I have a feeling that we are in Texas now - and are driving on a road trip back up to New York. There is cups of coffee on the dashboard. Guillaume is driving. I am very sad to leave Texas and feel that I didn't have enough time to look at everything that I wanted to.


    I am observing some weird factory in what looks like Japan or China or some Asiam country. I am kind of "watching" the activity at the factory in the same way you would watch a movie.
    The factory has giant red walls and pink floors... many levels - giant industrial windows - all the handrails on all the balconies and stairs are bright yellow. All the workers have matching over-all and cap uniforms. They look like old fashioned train conductors. It is late at night - I must be watching the night shift.
    Suddenly a loud alarm blows and all the workers start running around like mad and getting in military formation and listening to the orders from their boss. I realize that what this factory produces is pairs of gigantic red and gold high-heeled shoes for this giant woman that lives near the factory. The very high heeled shoes are bright, shiny red - with reflective gold on the pin-point  heels and black soles. The giant woman is very menacing and suddenly it has become aware to the boss that she needs another shoe immediately. The boss is screaming really frantically to everyone "Get in line! Oh my God get to work! She needs another shoe! SHE NEEDS ANOTHER SHOE!!!" and everyone is dashing to work. The mood is very frantic - like a Godzilla film. The boss and the workers know that the giant woman is stomping her way to the factory and will want her giant shoe right away - and they fear her. When I "look" up closer I see that the boss seems to have no mouth - just smoothed-over skin under his nose - but he can yell at all the workers somehow.

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