Mark Allen's Dream Journal
May 2001


No dreams.


    The only thing I remember from last night's dream was this "joke":

    I was seeing it as the first entry in a list of "jokes" it was the first one they could come up with. The title of the list was - Tips For Cannibals - or something like that. It was: Tip #1: Always kill your food before eating it, your food will make less noise.


    Only remember one thing: I was watching a news program on TV. There were two male hosts and they were about to go live to another reporter on the street. The reporter on the street's name was Jaws. Before the two hosts went to the Jaws on the street, instead of saying "Here's Jaws on the street with more news..." or something - they said "Here's more Fruity from Jaws".


    I'm staying in some weird house with my family - it's Christmas time. The house is very odd and has lots of weird shaped rooms with dramatic lighting. The house is on the water. It is always dusk outside and there is always a beautiful sunset outside. My family has gone out to go Christmas shopping and I am alone in the house. I decide to go to the mall alone.
    I am able to transport myself kind of instantly to this department store in the mall. The store has all these tube-like hallways and all the sections (menswear, appliances, etc.) are arranged by color code. Each section has it's own color which is represented by these translucent walls that have colored lights behind them. It looks like some wild nightclub or something. I see groups of teenagers wandering around the store. I am able to kind of "glide" or "hover" around the store really fast.
    I am suddenly on the telephone with Gregory, while I am still gliding around the glowing department store. Greg is telling me some wild sexual thing that happened to him last night. I'm laughing and telling him he should come visit me and my family for Christmas in the weird house by the water.
    Suddenly I'm back in the house with my family. I am looking at this weird clock outside that looks like it's made of giant pieces of paper. I tell my family that I won't be able to afford Christmas presents for anyone this year because I'm broke. I go to sleep in my bedroom. When I wake up in the morning...there is an envelope on my dresser from my dad. It is filled with 50 and 100 bills - about $1,000 total. Each bill has a piece of paper attached to it with a different store name written on it. Like I'm supposed to spend that bill at that particular store. The money id for me to buy Christmas presents for my family.


No dreams.

No dreams.


    I at home. My uncle William and aunt Joanne for some reason come to visit me. They have sleeping bags. They come in and sit down and are making tea in a little metal pot on my floor - with a little fire. My phone rings and it's my uncle Sidney. I say to him "I can't talk right now...someone is coming into my apartment." I look over at my door and see William and Joanne coming in my door a movie replaying itself. I suddenly realize that I should have told Sidney that it was William and Joanne because he might have been interested in talking to them. William and Joanne sit on my floor and start making tea again.


Too busy to record dreams.


    I'm walking around Tompkins Square Park with Michael. It is nighttime and we are on our way to do something with the film. We run into Candis Cayne. There are cameras and lights all around her - she is being taped by Fox 5 News for something that will be on the news that night. We stand and watch her and wave when she looks at us. She smiles and says "Hi!". Then Michael tries to give her this candy bar while she is being taped. It distracts her from her speech while she is being recorded. She seems upset with Michael but Michael has a big smile on his face like he's very proud.
    Then I am at Michael's. I look into this big box filled with tubes of toothpaste. I squeeze the contents of one of the tubes onto one of those shovels that people use to spread plaster or concrete. I am smoothing the toothpaste (which has the consistency of concrete) onto the shovel.


    I show up massage at this nice building uptown. I go to the client's apartment and there is an overweight woman with bright red lipstick and a business suit on at the door. She tells me to come in - it is her husband who wants a massage. I go into the living room and see most of the ceiling and all of the walls are covered in this flesh/pink colored wavy goo. She tells me her husband is a mutant and is this blob that is this giant flat thing. I look at the goo and start to see muscle groups beneath it's skin. I just stand there like "Woah.". She hands me my money and says "You're free to leave now."


    I'm looking at some old movie star (who I don't know)in the seat of a WWII fighter jet (which is a fake prop). She has a gas mask on. She is shooting a commercail or something. I think I may actually be back in the 1940's. I see old movie cameras and stuff around me. I sense the old movie star is uncimforatble. I can see heavy eye make up under her gas mask which seems to be melting under the lights. She smiles really big during the shooting (under the mask?) but seems pissed off when they are between takes. I sense something evil about her.




    Too busy with Bryan stuff to record dreams.


    I'm in NYC, but NYC actually looks like some college campus. I am with some friend and we are at the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton. There is a big reception at their home for Hillary. There is some big scandal surrounding Hillary about something that just occurred there at the reception involving Hillary and one of the guests. The people that are causing a big stink about the scandal seem to have suspicious motives. Hillary is smiling through the whole thing like she is oblivious. I don't know what the scandal is or who to trust - it's like some big mystery novel.
    It is suddenly nighttime and My friend and Hillary and I are all leaving the Clinton's home. We are walking around the campus handing out "Vote For Hillary!" flyers - although we are the only ones on campus. We are all three walking around and suddenly we "hear" something like it's on the news but we kind of hear it in our heads simultaneously. We learn that the scandal back at the reception involved a little metal screw somehow. We still don't know what the scandal was. Hillary doesn't seem to know either or at least she's pretending not to. The people that blew the whistle on the scandal know that if they can find this little metal screw then they will have proof of Hillary's guilt and Hillary's political career will be over. Hillary seems non-plussed by this news. She's admiring the lit light posts as we are walking around the lush green nighttime campus (which is very beautiful).
    We are now walking up some grand staircase which is going to lead hillary up to a helicopter landing which Hillary will get on and be flown home. As we are walking up My friend and I are discussing How Hillary seems to like to cause a big scene wherever she goes. She makes a big scandal or something which causes all the attention to be focused on her - then she just breezes through the whole thing with a big innocent smile - soaking in all the attention. As we are walking up the stairs my friend says "She's kind of like an 80's - early 90's Madonna." and I'm like "Yea." Hillary can hear everything we say but is saying nothing. Just as she is about to board her helicopter I say to her "Hillary is this true? Do you cause some kind of scandal everywhere you go just for the attention" She laughs and says "No! Of course not!"
    Just as she says this she takes a giant box of flyers and tosses it down the staircase. It knocks down a bunch of campus garbage cans and causes a big mess and even knocks over a big lamp post which falls over and begins sparking. It's a huge mess. Like vandalism. Everyone will know that Hillary was here and they will wonder if she is the perpetrator of this vandalism. She looks at us with a big oblivious smile and waves good-bye as she climbs in the helicopter. We are like "Wow she did that just so people will speculate whether she did or not! But we saw her do it! Wow what a criminal mastermind!"
    Then I am suddenly on the roof of this building with my mother. We are looking up at the sky. I see a skywriter making a design in the sky (actually sometimes it looks like a truck making a design on the street with white paint - which I am seeing reflected in the sky somehow). The design in the sky is a graphic of a giant metal screw. Inside the design it says "Where's the screw Hillary?" I tell my mom to look but the clouds blow away before she sees it. She says "Look at what honey?" and I say "Oh nothing - aren't the clouds neat looking?" This is ironic because my mother is an avid political junkie who follows politician's careers like a hawk and loves to hate the Clintons.


    Photographer Hans Fahrmeyer had to do a special assignment. I was living in a hybrid of New York City that seemed to be a kind of weird mix of Amsterdam and NYC, or NYC in Holland or something like that. Hans had to photograph me and all the guys who lived and worked in this certain youth hostel. The photographs he took would be gathered together into this giant noodle-looking thing that me and the other guys who lived there had to wrap around all the dishes in the dishwasher area of the hostel cafeteria within a certain amount of time while our boss was watching us. Very strange.
    The time came for me and the other guys to wrap the giant photo noodle around the dishes. We all gathered in the cafeteria and our boss was there with a stop watch. It was daylight outside. The noodle thing looked beige in color and had a lot of strength despite the fact that it was a wet noodle. I saw no photos on it.
    Our boss started the stopwatch and we all started frantically wrapping the noodle around and through all the white dishes that had been laid out in the washing area. They were all in an L-shaped line on the stainless steel washing counter. We couldn't get the noodle all the way to the end of this dishes. We kept going back and re-configuring everything, very fast, to try to get it to work. I learned at one point that if we were successful we were all going to get a lot of money for this. I step back and look at the whole situation and realize that it isn't going to work. I leave the area.
    I go into another room. It's a bedroom and it's night time outside. There are blinds on the window. Outside is the South Street Seaport/Battery Park area of Manhattan. I hear something on the news that there has been an "emergency parade" situation called by Mayor Guliani and there is going to be a hastily arranged parade outside. I see the parade going by.
    Then I see this giant pterodactyl walking through the Hudson river. It is the size of a giant building and is Godzilla-like. I see a giant film crew behind it and realize that it is only a robotic prop and they are making a movie. People (actors?) are running through the street and the parade is in chaos. I realize that the parade was called by Guliani just for the movie. How sneaky.
    I go back into the kitchen where the photo noodle experiment was going on. Good news! Success! While I was gone Hans himself was called to come over and "fix" things. He got it to work. In the dream he looks nothing like himself but looks like a cross between Allan Ginsberg and my Uncle William. Our boss says something about Jaques Tati and gives me a plate with gravy on it. Under the gravy is my money.


    I'm at Wigstock (which is in a little room in a house) and I accidentally destroy the set - everyone applauds when I do. The set designer, Johnny Dynell, is angry but smiles as he re-assembles the set. Lady Bunny is re-drawing this arrow design on a sign that I wrecked incorrectly and everyone is laughing an cheering. This woman that looks like Jocylyn Wildenstein is trying to set me up with this 18 year old wrestling kid - the kid is very cute. He comes over to flirt with me and he keeps talking to me and asking if I want to go back to my apartment with him.
    I go back to my apartment and I go inside with him. The place is a dump. There are no doors on the cabinets. I wonder why. My "roommate" comes out and he has no arms - just flippers (Bryan told me this story yesterday in the car, about an apartment he looked at once) - that's why there are no doors on the cabinets - he wouldn't be able to open them. The cute wrestling kid goes into another room and talks on the phone. The Jocylyn woman comes over to me and tells me she is flying down south to talk with the parents of the wrestling kid because she wants us to get married.
    We are back at the Wigstock house. There are people in wheelchairs. I learn that the Wigstock house is also an AIDS clinic this year. People can get themselves tested for HIV as they watch the show. I overhear someone  say "this clinic is the fastest in NYC, my brother uses it all the time." I see some criminal types hanging around. I overhear someone say that you should watch your wallets because "...there are a lot of ex-cons around this place." The crowd for Wigstock is dissipating and the room is getting empty.
    I see the Jocylyn woman walking away from me on a beach. She is going to the airport to meet the parents of the cute wrestling kid and talk them into letting the kid marry me. She's kind of like an angel.


    I am at the "Lifetime Achievement Award" for Ann Landers. It is being filmed for television. It must be live because they keep filming parts of it and then waiting between commercials before they start filming another part. Ann walks up this aluminum pool ladder looking thing up to the stage during each take. The ladder has a rounded bottom - like the hand rails go all the way around in a circle - so the ladder has the chance of totally tipping over if you don't walk up it VERY carefully.
    I am down in the audience with Elizabeth Montgomery. She is with some friends from the "Bewitched" set - but it is the current date (Elizabeth is back from the dead?) Elizabeth is acting out some weird scenario where one of her friends says something embarrassing to Ann. It's like something that was written in some unauthorized biography or something - and now they are all acting it out.


No dreams.


    I am in New Orleans. I am at some weird beach house neighborhood that is actually a college. I am attending college there - and I seem 10 years younger. I walk away from the college and to downtown New Orleans somewhere. I am holding a piece of paper with an address on it - it's the address of an ice cream parlor.
    I get to the ice cream parlor and it is nighttime. There are several people gathered around the parlor. We are all meeting there. Some of the people are dressed really stylishly and then I notice some drag queens that I know. I recognize people from the New York club scene (from the 90's). It's like a reunion or something.
    I go into this one room that is very dark, with a big block in the center, a bar at one end with red lights behind it, and a big window that looks out into the street. I stand on the table for some reason. People start arriving in the room, like it's a club. I see Lady Bunny and Lahoma Van Zandt, they are all looking at a piece of paper. I am standing on the table looking down at everyone's heads. I see Kevin and ask him if he is performing that night somewhere else. He say yes and he is nervous.
    I jump down off the table and am suddenly with Michael. Michael Musto is there and is going to photograph us. I make a funny face and Michael is fiddling with the camera. He never takes the picture.
    I go back outside to the ice cream parlor. A lot of people are there on the sidewalk. I see a Mercedes drive by with Girlina and Candis Cayne in it. They both have there hair pulled up, are wearing fedoras, and have mustaches penciled in on their upper lip. I see them try not to look at the sidewalk (hoping that no one saw them?) and say to the driver "Keep driving." I see Candis is eating ice cream.
    I want to leave and I realize I left my jacket in this other building down the street. I go to the building. It is now morning. I go into the lobby of the building and there are tons of people there, like they have been partying all night and are still up. There are some very interesting people.
    I find my jacket and am amazed that it is still there. I walk past this one section of the lobby where a group of guys is watching TV. One of the guys is Chris Cornell (formerly of Soundgarden). I am amazed at this. I sit down with them and start watching TV. We all watch a very early video of Pat Benatar. It is for the song "Heartbreaker" - but it is an early demo version - all overly-echo-y vocals that aren't exactly on key and weak drumming. The video shows Pat and her band mates in these sequin space outfits running around an Alien-looking spaceship interior. They are all wearing these pointy hats that have blue water coming out of them. She is singing into a microphone with a giant black ball on the end of it. Everyone is watching the video and laughing at it. Then an old Devo video comes on.
    I keep looking at Chris Cornell through the corner of my eye. I want to talk to him but don't know what to say. I realize I have a camera with me. I could take a picture with him! I imagine myself scanning the picture and putting it up on my web page. Should I just go over and ask him to take a picture with me? He looks so relaxed (he's laying down). Hmmmm... I am really torn.
    I eventually decide not to take the photo with him or approach him in any way. I walk out of the building and think about what a great opportunity it was...lost forever now. As I am leaving the building I see several people jumping off different ledges of the building, committing suicide. People are screaming and running everywhere. I walk back to the beach house area.


No dreams.


No dreams again...maybe it's that mutant green juice.


     The dream was a nightmare. I was trapped in this enormous house with this girl. I could see myself in the dream as I went through it - but I looked nothing like myself. I think the girl I was with was my wife.
    There was this very stylish woman who lived there who had us trapped in the house. She would pursue us from room to room and was torturing us. She had all these elaborate torture devices that she could carry around with her and torture us very quickly with. She looked like an older version of a supermodel and wore different stylish outfits in every "scene" of the dream. I kept getting separated from my wife and talking to her on a cell phone and she would be crying or screaming and I would have to tell her where to run to because I seemed to know the layout of the house for some reason. It was really scary and the whole thing gave me this "the world is so evil" feeling.
    I'm just realizing I saw something similar to this on "America's Most Wanted" last night where a man kept a woman hostage in his huge house as his sex slave but she finally escaped.
    Sometimes there were other people in the house but for some reason I couldn't get their help - weird. One person was this overweight. black security guard woman who was very smart and knew everyone in the house (similar, again, to someone I saw profiled last night on 'A.M.W.'). I decided that the only way to end the evil supermodel torture woman was to shoot her. So I somehow bought a gun while I was in the house. I kept hiding the gun from people by keeping it (along with the shopping bag it came with and the receipt) close to my chest. At one point I was in this giant room in the house that was a big locker room with gray industrial carpet. I heard the security guard woman coming so I shoved the gun into one of the lockers. She started going through the lockers and said she was doing a random locker search. I was really nervous she would find the gun. She got to the locker where my gun was and just pulled the bag with the gun out and set it behind her like it was just trash. She acted like she thought it was nothing but I could tell she knew what was happening.
    Then I was watching Ru Paul on some sitcom. On it, Ru played a teenage girl in a mall with a friend (who was played by a real girl). Ru was dressed as a teen girl, but a Patricia Fields' version of a teen girl, big ponytails and all. Ru had a scene where he was beating up an ATM machine in the mall because it wasn't working. As he was doing it the audience was hollering and hooting "Whooo! Yea! Uh-oh! Whooo!". This scene I could tell was supposed to show Ru's character getting in touch with her anger.
    That's it.


     I was walking down a wide, open street here in NYC. I saw some really powerful firecrackers go off down in one section of the street. This caused a Con Ed building to collapse. Then other buildings collapsed. Soon the buildings all around me were falling down. As I saw each one fall down I realized I knew someone in each building and I kept thinking "God I hope they're not home!" I was able to make it to a big open area. The funny thing was that there was no ground shaking or anything like that, just buildings falling.


No dreams. Sleeping on a futon that had vomit on it the day before can have that effect.


Very short.

    Only vaguely remember something about bleaching my hair and regreting it while the bleach was burning my scalp. I looked over and saw some guy sitting next to me and then I could "see" a giant close-up of the roots of my freshly bleached hair and they looked like a giant forest of transparent, pale yellow trees.


    I'm in some kind of arena. I am somewhere in the audience - it looks like the Roman coliseum but it's new. There is a big game or something going on in the playing field and it's really exciting. Suddenly there is something happening down in the audience near the edge of the field. It looks like someone is holding up a giant cardboard cutout of a cartoon turkey. The game or whatever stops and everyone is looking at the cardboard turkey. I am staring down at it. Suddenly some announcer comes over the loudspeakers and says "Ladies and gentlemen, we have done some research and it has been discovered that the commotion down on the field has NOT been caused by Mark Allen or anything he has done."
    Then I am in my apartment with Trucker John and we are talking and just hanging out. I am looking at my own message board on my website. I am staring at the gray and white stripes and red text on the board. Suddenly I "see" that the computer screen is actually an opening into a much larger space. It opens way up and I feel myself being pulled into it - it's scary. Suddenly I see the gray and white stripes become the rows of seats in the arena that I was in earlier, and I'm back in the arena except this time it's empty.


    I'm at some function, like an awards ceremony or something, in this great big hall. It's got a kind of sea shell design, like an opera house or something. There are dinner tables arranged on the ground floor and people are sitting in them watching the stage. My mom and dad are somewhere in the audience. I am sitting up on the far edge of one of these little balconies. It looks like for some reason I am sitting in the light and sound console booth, where they control the house lights and sound and stuff. But I'm just sitting there not controlling anything. There is a black and white TV screen in front of me.
    I seem to be wearing an afro wig, fake glasses, am in my underwear and have on socks and dress shoes. I also have my nose taped up with scotch tape.
    I almost seem to be "hiding" from everyone. Although I get the distinct impression that I have been "made to" sit there. Like I'm "not allowed" to get up or something. Very odd. I can see activity below me. Sometimes groups of teenagers seem to be running in and out of the hall for some reason. Sometimes people come next to where I'm standing and carry on whole conversations like I'm not next to them or whatever. They always have plastic cups of beer that look like they cam from a keg.
    I finally have enough of just sitting there and go down onto the main floor. Everyone is standing up from their tables like the show is over or whatever. I see my dad and wave to him. He looks angry and motions for me to "get back" or "get out of the room". He looks very stern and seems to want me to get out of view before anyone he knows sees me. I start screaming at him at the top of my lungs so everyone will hear me. As soon as I start yelling he goes back to the table where my mother is a disappears.
    Then suddenly I am "watching" this old, grainy 8mm film (home movie really) that seems to have been made in the 1980's of all these fat people (who all have glasses and Polo shirts with the collars turned up) who are in this big trailer home and who have all just eaten this big pancake breakfast and they are all trying to go to the bathroom at the same time but there is only one bathroom in the place and there is a lot of distress and confusion. They all seem really uncomfortable because they REALLY need to take a big dump REALLY bad and they have to wait their turn, but everyone keeps smiling like it's no big deal and being really sociable. The film is silent and I think there was some kind of narration. I am able to kind of "walk into" the film and I am in the trailer home. I go into the bathroom and look at the tiny space between the bathroom sink and the toilet, which you have to pass through to get from the door to the bathroom over to the toilet. I can't imagine how these really fat people were able to squeeze their fat bodies through this space.


    In in some strange city (as usual). There is snow on the ground everywhere...lots of it. It almost looks like Colorado, or maybe Europe somewhere. I am living in a house with a bunch of troublemakers. There is a guy who lives in the house who kind of "owns" it. He is in trouble with the law a lot. This guy comes to the house and turns all the lights on in the house. The house I see now has lots of strangle little levels and rooms in those levels that you can get to by these little red ladders - kind of like a maze. There are a lot of sliding glass doors that lead to the outside. It's daytime outside. The walls in the house are all painted pale yellow.
    The main guy comes to the house and goes upstairs after turning the lights on. He comes back down and tells me he needs $200 to bail a friend of all of ours out of jail. No one has any money. I reluctantly agree. I hand over $200 to him and he runs off. We all go outside - the snow is gone and the ground is all dead grass - but it's sunny. We see the guy I just gave $200 to getting arrested. The police tell me I won't be able to get my money back.
    Suddenly it is nighttime and we are in front of the circular concrete drive that is in front of the house. The snow is back - and the streetlights are shining on the snow. My friend Robert Garcia is there with me. We are taking snow and a bunch of torn-up paper and little foil stars and confetti and putting them into this clear plastic envelope.
    Then we seem to be at an International House of Pancakes. We are standing outside one of the windows of the restaurant and the fat waitresses are leaning out giving us our food and talking to us. The waitresses are really friendly. It's daytime again and there is snow everywhere. The waitresses keep looking up the street. Robert keeps asking if I have the clear envelope from before.
    Then suddenly it is night time again and we are near the circular drive near the house... but farther down, snow is everywhere. The streetlights reflect on the snow and make everything bright. It looks like we are kind of in a city area now - buildings are everywhere but there are no cars or traffic at all. Just white thick snow covering everything. People are everywhere like it's Saturday night in the city... but no cars. I sense that the East River (which separates east Manhattan from Brooklyn in New York City) is nearby somewhere, to the east of us. The city, even though it's kind of crowded, has that "quiet" feel you get when it's snowy.
    I am sitting on a red couch in the middle of the snowy street with Robert and Madonna. We are giving the envelope we made earlier as a present. She looks at it and is smiling... she loves it. It's filled with the melted snow which has the confetti and stars (and now I can see little cut-out shapes of gingerbread men in it) floating in it. She says she loves it and thank you so much. We seem to think that this envelope now contains certain memories that are special to her and now she can keep them forever.

    One interesting thing about last night's dream/sleep is this: I had a kind of "waking dream" or moment in my sleep, right as I was falling asleep, where what I dreamed woke me up suddenly. It was one of those "prophetic" moments in a dream where you know what you just dreamed was important to your life, or more specifically, your brain. I "dreamed" that I was woken up by the sound of a doorbell. It wasn't the actual doorbell in my apartment, that has a very specific "clink clank" sound. This was like a pre-recorded doorbell thing you would hear in a really nice suburban home. Like "d-i-i-i-n-n-n-g d-o-o-o-n-n-n-g" is almost a melodic way. It seemed to represent something important. I woke right up and felt like what I just heard was very important. Like it represented something important that was knocking at the door. Something that was about to come into my life?


    I had a dream last night that I was cutting Bryan's hair in his bedroom. Then I was in his living room, and he was floating - or levatating...and I was standing around
him..."curing" his tendonitis or whatever. Kind of like those doctors on Star Trek who operate on people by just passing their hands over people. I tried to cure the pain in his newly-operated eyes but couldn't so I just passed my hands over them to make the pain better.


    I'm at some weird mountain town - like Vail, Colorado or something. I am living in this nice house all by myself. It's like this perfect dream home.
    Now it's nighttime and I am in my car. I am driving around. I am on my car phone asking someone how I can get to a church in this town. It's Easter night and I want to go to church for some reason. I pass all these buildings that I think are churches but I'm not sure.
    I'm suddenly sensing now that my family lives somewhere in the town... separately from me. Also I'm seeing this part of the dream where I'm sitting on a mountainside with Dave Doorknob and he is telling me about something. There are cars parked around us - we seem to be in the Rocky Mountains.
    Anyway... I'm driving around looking for a church and I eventually find one I like. I park my car and go inside. Inside it's all industrial carpeting and fluorescent lighting. But the inside of the foyer looks like a sports bar not a church. But it's all brightly lit. There is a blond woman working the bar and she keeps talking to someone in the back kitchen that I can't see - I think the manager. I see one of those table top video games and go sit at it. The game is Centipede - kind of a Pac Man rip-off game from the 80's I remember.
    It seems that the bar is trying to close and I am the only one in there. Now suddenly I have this weird plastic mouth thing that I have to wear... like a retainer. It is this ugly kind of red clay color and has a pale green handle. It looks like a ping pong paddle but the paddle end has these two little disks attached to it like a giant Lego piece. And it's small enough to go in your mouth. It's very uncomfortable and I'm trying to hold it in my mouth while I play the Centipede video game.
    Suddenly the blond bartender lady comes over to my game and leans against the game, her back to me. It's very distracting and she won't move. I think she wants me to leave. I get up and go into the bathroom. I am holding my mouthpiece thing. I hear noise outside in the church/sports bar and it sounds like they are closing up. I imagine myself getting locked in this bathroom overnight.

Also of note: When Domenic came home at 4:30AM last night I supposedly sat up in my bed and asked him - with a straight face - "Do you know how to work your bra?" and he said "I'll show you my bra in the morning." and then he fake threw up on me and I did not flinch. I have no memory of this whatsoever. Now, after he told me this, I have a vague memory of another part of my dream where I was in Domenic's room, it was daytime, and he was standing on the ladder up to his loft bed and he was HOLDING A BRA! I remember him fake throwing up and I was laughing.


No dreams.


    I'm standing at the base of this giant stone wall looking up at it. I see the blue sky above and can make out a square opening in the wall about 100 feet above me. I somehow get the sense that I am looking at a medieval castle. Suddenly I see, without warning, a small child literally fly out of the window and out of my view. Like it was flung out with a catapult.
    I actually had some other parts of the dream that seemed to involve children and snuff film underground societies and false teeth but I can't quite remember them - too fuzzy. Very odd and creepy.


    I know I had a lot of dreams last night but I cannot remember them. I remember thing too "Wow! I can't wait to write THAT in my dream journal!" Oh well...


    More vague memories. I think I had some kind of friendship with this sexy female scientist. She had long brunette hair, glasses, a lab coat, clip board and high heels. She looked like a supermodel under all that. We seemed to be doing some test where there were cylinders of auburn/rust colored transparent liquid that I seemed to be controlling the levels of somehow (with my mind?) She was recording the results. We were in a laboratory.

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