Mark Allen's Dream Journal - May, 2003
*note: Date of dream entry refers to day before,the date of the night I went to sleep and the dream I had into the next day's date.


No dreams.


     I dreamed that Mayor Bloomberg passed a law forbidding people to hang out on their fire escapes. It was now also against the law to even have anything at all outside on your fire escape. I discovered this new law amidst some chaos and insanity... like a big scene where I was sitting out on my fire escape and the cops came by and shined a light up on me (in the daytime) and got on a megaphone and were like "Get OFF the fire escape or face penalties!" I'm like "...wha?" I am outraged at this new law. I somehow know that people all over the city have faced stiff fines and even jail time for breaking this new law. I am so upset by the whole thing... like it's a last straw... that I call my landlord and cancel my lease and pack up all my stuff and move out of NYC into the country.


    I live in this futuristic high rise apartment building with a very small Asian woman. she is my wife. We go to bed in out weird futuristic giant round cat bed thing. Outside our window I see out into the space-ship dotted futuristic megalopolis below us. We are under an expensive white sheet. We start to have sex. I find her very gross and have no idea how I ended up married to her. I put my hand on her tiny round naked ass and rub it. It's really round. And itty-bitty tiny. Ewww (kind of). I try to kiss her little beak-like mouth. It's not fun... but for some reason I can't let on.
    Then a total scenario shift: I seem to live right underneath the Willaimsburg Bridge. I guess I am homeless. One of the guys that lives with us seems to be the agent for some old Motown singer who's day has passed. He seems to have boxes and boxes of her old albums from the 1950's and 1960's underneath the bridge with us. I think her name was something like... I can't remember her name actually (she only existed in the dream). The covers show her with 60's bouffant hair and clothes and jewelry - she's very pretty - and have that era of graphic design on them. She looks like one of The Supremes. Anyway, this guy wants us to go around the city "selling" her old record albums to people for money - kind of the way homeless people sometimes sell that homeless magazine and some of the money goes to a homeless organization. He tells us that this will make a lot of money. We all just stand there holding the old records like "...uh... okay." The agent says that people won't buy the records if they know it's from this singer who's old news and washed up. So he tells us to tell people that these records are from an exciting, up-and-coming new artist. He tells us to tell people that her name is "Tracy Adams" (not her name on the covers). I tell him I think this is a stupid name and no one will buy them. He's like "Shut up!" He takes this lit candle that was under the bridge by some trash and starts to "burn away" the spots on the laquer-covered cardboard record covers where her real name appears. He has to do this to each record we are holding... and he does it while we are holding it. He's burning the parts of the covers with her real name and saying to himself "...this is a GREAT idea! I am SO smart!" I'm just standing there holding a record album he is burning with a candle and am wondering how the Hell I got in this situation.


No dreams.


No dreams.


No dreams.


    I wake up in my apartment (in the dream) and I see that I am in my neighbor Shelly's apartment. Her apartment looks totally different, but I know it's her place. For some reason I know that I am "trapped" there. I keep hearing Shelly trying to get in the front door but she can't. Somehow I know that she is behind the whole phenomena of me suddenly appearing in her apartment. I feel a menacing vibe from her as she jiggles the lock with her keys and tries to get in. Then I run to another part of the apartment (it's huge in my dream) where there is a large window and a big bay-style ledge with a bed thing on it. Jim is laying on the bed and he is in the process of "transforming" into another apartment. He is all gooey and kind of half-digested. I know that he is transforming into my apartment - like I did into Shelly's place (here). But why did he start here at Shelly's place?
    Then a scenario shift: I am with Gregory and I seem to be in France or some other European country. We are outside... on this kind of grassy ledge in a country town somewhere. It is Spring and late afternoon. We are hanging out just kind of soaking up the sun and light breeze. I have my camera with me. I see this large black-furred animal approach us. It looks like a big dog, or maybe an oversized cat. It looks very strange and it's hard to tell what it is really. It's like a deformed animal or an animal from another planet. It comes over to me and seems very friendly, yet apprehensive. I let it smell my hand. It starts moving around me and brushing up against me like it wants to be pet. Gregory is sort of watching. I start to take pictures of it with my camera as it kind of moves around me. The flash from my camera startles it slightly. When I look through my camera viewfinder it looks like a normal cat.

5/8/03 - 5/13/03:

Sorry I've been kind of swamped and haven't had time to type my dreams. Will get back to it in a day or so.


   I'm in some room looking at some strange creature that is on top of a cardboard box. It looks like a giant, over-sized fly. It is on the box and slowly moving. I notice that there are some strange things on the fly - like things about it's anatomy are "wrong" - or maybe make it look fake like a toy. As I stare at it I see that parts of it are "smoothed over" - but in places where it normally wouldn't be on a fly. I also see that parts of it's translucent wings have colored strips on them - like pink and green.
    I sense that the fly is aware of my presence and is kind of "monitoring" what I think of it. I somehow realize that this is because it is some sort of creation from another planet or dimension - or is itself a shape-shifting alien from another planet or dimension - a highly advanced and powerful one. One that apparently is considered a great super-power with amazingly advanced technology and a menacing military force. This planet or dimension has used the knowledge that it could gather about a random creature from our planet, Earth (a fly), and then tried to "mimic" that creature. But as I see it they got it kind of wrong. I sense that I am being "watched" from that other planet - through the alien fly - and that the aliens are very proud of what they have created and are very interested in what I think of it. They are "watching" me... wringing their hands in nervous anticipation. I just stare and stare at the "badly done" fly mimic - watching it slowly move... and I don't know how to react. I feel sorry for the planet that created it and can't see how a civilization that made such a dumb mistake could possibly be a superpower. I pity them but am embarrassed for them so I don't say anything.


    I dreamed my old jr. high school friend Curtis was looking down at me. I was in some unknown room and I seemed to be lying on a bed. I was just waking up and I looked up and saw Curtis was watching me. He seemed to be kind of reluctant to say something but as soon as he saw I was staring at him he said hello. He leaned down and asked if I was "all right". He was wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket with badges and pins all over it.

5/16/03 - 5/27/03:

    Sorry... been out of commission lately with the dream reporting. Will get back into it when I get back from my trip.


    I am in some kind of spaceship, deep in space. On the spaceship is Madonna, for some reason. There are many different species of aliens and humans on the ship. We seem to be some kind of scientific crew that is doing research deep in space or something. Except Madonna is just there as herself. She keeps leaving the ship to go take care of "things having to do with her career" and then coming back. It's funny but when Madonna leaves the ship... it is obvious that she is going down some sort of ramp and down into a large hanger building, which is what our spaceship really seems to be inside. The spaceship is on Earth - in Los Angeles to be specific... and for some reason we are being led to believe that we are deep in space doing research for NASA or something. Or are we actually on some TV show and I am just caught up in the moment? Weird.
    Anyway, Madonna keeps leaving and coming back to take care of stuff. And me and the other "characters" (?) on the "show" (?) keep navigating the ship and going deeper into space. At one point - this weird alien creature that is strapped into one of the seats (with seat belts) and who is very big and has a weird shaped head and weird alien ears and pale skin says some kind of racist joke about black people. The creature has on one of our space suits and looks computer generated. At that point some black guy with glasses runs up onto the ship and tells the creature that he cannot "tell jokes like that that are racist" and adds that he especially "cannot do it on a spaceship TV show!" After he does this a laugh track is heard in the spaceship - like the audience is watching. The black guy leaves and the "show" resumes. Then I am watching the creature... and I see that he has his hand on his mouth and this very dumb look on his face... he actually looks like a retarded alien... he has a little head and an extended upper jaw and buck teeth and little ears and a big tongue and little eyes. He is an alien that actually looks like a retarded human - but with a giant body... and he has pale coral-colored skin... like a white person. I see him kind of drooling and grinning and saying "duh..." and "I did a BAD thing!" and the audience laugh track is going crazy... it's kind of pathetic. I realize that this alien creature is actually a bad stereotype of white people... yet it is allowed on the show while racist jokes about black people are not.


No dreams.


No dreams.


    I am living in some countryside town that I do not recognize. I seem to be hanging out a lot with these two guys who are a bit older that me. One of them has a beard. We are in some kind of cottage. We are discussing this science fiction story about these machines that have been inserted into people's bodies. The story goes that people are drugged and then hauled off to some secret laboratory where these silver-colored, metal machines that have a body about the size of a softball - and then a long arm thing about a foot long coming out from it - are inserted surgically into their throat area - at the core of their torso. They are then returned to wherever they are abducted from with no scars or traces of the operation at all. The person has no memory of the incident at all and does not know that the machine is in them. Then at a certain age... the person's machine does "something" - whether it's good or bad I do not know. We discuss the story... which is a book.
    Then one of the guys mentions a variation of the book where a whole society of people willingly gets the machines inserted into them at a certain age and everyone has them. There is also this weird thing in the second variation of the story where there is a very slim chance that when the machine inside the person "activates" that something will go terribly wrong and the person will die a horrible, painful death. But the chances of this happening are about the same as dying in a plane crash so people don't care.
    As the three of us are talking about the story, I "see" this television ad for the machines... it shows two pretty girls in a beautiful, sunny meadow - they are having a picnic. It is one of the girls' time for her inserted machine to "activate"... it shows her kind of jump... then have an apprehensive but smiling look on her face... then exhale and giggle along with her friend as she realizes her machine has activated with no trouble. Then a voice-over comes on and says something like "machines are safe and the side effects include..." It's a funny ad - it reminds me of those tv ads for drugs that always list the weird side effects over shots of people playing in the sunset on a beach. I can also kind of "see" the machine inside someone's esophagus and throat (it may be part of the ad) as I see the television ad. It has this kind of cone shaped thing (with no point) at the end that has a ring of tiny red dots around it. This cone is at the end of the arm and "extends" automatically at the time of the activation... then the arm releases an extension of itself so it looks like a two jointed arm - with an "elbow" - and these thin red threads come out of each red dot and do something in the body (squirt something out?). I think some lights also activate on the machine.
    I get on my bicycle and leave the guys in the little cottage thing. I bike though the glorious countryside home... it is dusk. As I am riding up a hill... I feel something in my chest... something weird. It is one of the machines! And it is activating! I realize that the two guys I was talking to are "working" for whatever society or government (or planet?) that inserts the machines into people. They, at some point, must have drugged and operated on me! I'm surprised but strangely resigned to the situation. I feel the machine moving, activating inside of me. I'm kind of scared. Will it go "wrong" when it activates and kill me? I keep pedaling uphill. I think of the television ad with the two girls in the meadow and the soothing, reassuring voice-over as I pedal and let the machine activate inside of me... it makes me feel better.

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