Mark Allen's Dream Journal - November 2000


Very strange dream last night:
    I am going back to college - as a graduate student. I am in classes and all over campus and I am miserable. Nothing is like I remember. Everyone looks so young and I'm not fitting in with anyone - I feel like I'm in high school. I go into this gymnasium on campus where it looks like they are setting up for a dance of event or something. I pull this girl aside who is getting on a ladder to put streamers on the ceiling and tell her and a girl she is with that I'm having second thoughts about going back to school and I would like to talk to someone about it. They pull me aside and are very concerned and like "Oh yea! Now talk to us - what are you feeling!?" and I start to talk to them and I'm thinking "What the hell am I doing back at college? Why am I talking to these two strangers?"
    Then suddenly I am at some airport. I have flown in to meet my parents for a visit. The airport looks very different - I've never seen it before. Lots on giant indoor plazas in red brick and orange industrial carpeting with huge mobil sculptures hanging from the ceiling and escalators and walls of video monitors and coffee booths everywhere. I get off the plane and see my dad. He is alone and I ask where my mother is. He says she'll be along shortly. He says that there is something special about mom that he needs to tell me. He says her body has been chosen by a race of aliens to host a kind of alien/human hybrid. She has been carrying the fetus for three months and will give birth to it at any moment. The alien fetus inside of her has caused some of her body parts to become mechanical or bionic.
    I'm walking through the crowded airport with my dad looking for my mom, kind of taking this weird news in. We see my mom and she is wearing sunglasses indoors but otherwise looks the same. We walk around all solemn and quiet - like we can't talk or anything and have to concentrate on getting my mom home as soon as possible because the alien baby with birth at any moment. We all walk to to the top of an escalator where there is a video monitor right next to where you walk on to the escalator. My dad says "Hold on a minute." and my mother stands aside. My dad looks at the video monitor and a voice and some strobe-ish images come onto it. This monitor is somehow channeling information from outer space about my mother and the baby's condition. I hear a female voice come out of the monitor saying something like "...her biotentacle vibrations are vibrating at 30,000 rotations a second. Her inner gills are..." and all this stuff. I look over at my mom and she has taken her sunglasses off. Her pupils are bright white - almost silver.
    We are suddenly in a stairwell of the airport walking down to the car. Somehow my mother has already given birth to the alien baby and my dad and I are carrying it down the stairs. It is the size of an old woman - it looks human, wearing a pink jogging suit and a fur hat. My dad and I are cradling it on our arm, one of us on each side, and it is sitting on our arms as we walk it down the stairs. Where is my mom? (Is SHE the new alien baby?)
    We are now driving out of the airport. Me and my dad are in one car and my mother is driving in another. My dad says that the alien baby is back inside her and she is driving home with it and we will meet her and the baby at home. I can see my mom in her car as we stop at an intersection.
    On the road home with my dad I explain to him why I stopped making payments to him on the money I borrowed. I'm telling him and he he is just sitting there silently. We never get "home".


Can only remember one small detail from last night's dream:
    A blond woman climbing down a wall by a rope. Then she looked at different photos of herself at the bottom of the wall.


    All I remember is that the dream involved LOTS of wide open, beautiful, bright and sunny outdoor areas. I was walking around and there was beauty all around me. I thing Bryan was there and maybe some famous people but I can't remember who. I was very happy and centered and thrilled during the dream. A really happy, wonderful experience - the dream was.

11/4/00: memory of my dreams lately has been like a kind of slide show. I can only remember little stills of scenarios rather than the whole scene. So here are some of the slides from last night's dream: An embarrassing old friend calling a new friend at his place of work and embarrassing me by telling the new friend that he knows me...a new parking lot on the corner of Avenue B and 9th Street that I had never seen before that has wires running across it about one foot off the ground - and little gray rabbits running here and there...Tina Louise and Adam Horowitz sitting together, or doing something together in the friend Mario was in there somewhere doing something...something involving planes inside Prospect Park in Brooklyn...that's it...I think.


Cannot remember dreams last night...


Total insomnia last night - no dreams.


    I was inside this gigantic structure. It was like a James Bond villain's lair - like a giant nuclear weapon base inside a volcano or cave. It was deep blue and black on the inside. I was with a friend who had dark hair. We were renegade terrorists against the evil villain. We had ropes and machine guns with silencers and coffee cups(!). At one point we were sitting at the bottom of this immense silo and were talking about our plans to blow up the base. Then we just started talking and it was very romantic. We could hear each other's voices echoing around us. We were all in black (hoods too) and were sipping hot black coffee out of white styrofoam cups.


    I'm at some event or school or something and there is an indoor area, like the school part, and a chain link fence around that area, kind of like a prison. I am with my old Dallas friend Chuck some of the time. We are hanging out and walking all around and stuff. We keep going under the fence - back and forth - like we're breaking in and out. It's night and there are groups of people around. Chuck and I keep running into other groups of people we know. At one point we run into this girl I used to know in college, Jo. Every time Chuck and I run into other people, he starts talking to them and at one point he starts kissing Jo. I become very jealous and I think I'm nuts for feeling this.
    Chuck is wearing some sleeveless t-shirt with a yellow, black and red design on it - like a band or something. I think I have on a black trench coat. We are both smoking.
    Then I am having coffee inside some white cafe, really fluorescent looking inside. It's black night outside. My friend Mario has an idea to dump white paint into coffee and bottle it and sell it like that. I'm like "That will poison people" and he's kind of like "No no no - it will work, you'll see!!" He really wants to do it and is excited and I'm mad because he ruined my coffee with paint and I don't have money for more. He has the black trench coat this time.


    Very weird dream. I was back in Plano, Texas at my high school. It was that time of dusk when the sun is just setting over the horizon and it shines orange on all the surfaces of the buildings. My high school had lots of buildings that were kind of a light salmon color - so they're really bright. The thing was that the high school was totally deserted, there wasn't a soul around.
    I found that I was able to "float" or fly around the hallways and then outside around the buildings. It was a very peaceful feeling. I felt really warm and centered as I kind of floated around. The time of day didn't seem to change at all, it always stayed that dusk-time with the orange sunlight. I think it mi have been Fall.
    I was able to visit some other places like this in Plano. I was able to float, or glide, along over the ground. There was the same orange light everywhere. Also,  everywhere I went was always deserted, never a soul to be seen. It was like I was the only one on Earth.
    At one point I wanted to go visit the outside of Collin Creek Mall and fly around it, but I wasn't able to. Instead I kind of uncontrollable flew up into the sky - like I didn't have any control over it.
    As I went up, I got this really sad feeling like this was my death. I was dying and this was somehow the last thing I was going to experience on Earth. I felt really bittersweet, obviously.
    As I got to the top I reached down - this part made no sense spatially - and as I reached down onto the earth, which was the size of a small globe now, I was able to hug all the little buildings of Plano like they were little models. I was hugging them all at once and I think I was smiling. I could see the little orange-lit walls of the sides of the buildings that were facing the setting sun (which was to my right) as I did this.


    I dreamed I looked into the reflection of a van parked in the street and I was totally bald! TERRIFYING!!! I also think there was something about my parents last night - real depressing. Dreams were very fuzzy.
    At one point I was in this night club. It looked like the old Limelight but it was all in white and all the church walls had been replaced by smooth white ones. I was kind of hanging around and there weren't many people there. Candis Cayne walked in late and was going to do a show. The stage was one half of the club, all in white with curtains hanging and colored lights. It looked like my apartment! Anyway she just kind of was on stage with a microphone and I think she was going to sing but there was hardly anyone there and they were having trouble with the sound I think. I looked up in the DJ booth and saw Girlina. I remember looking outside and it was like a gorgeous moon-lit night. It looked like I was in India or something.


Can't remember dreams last night.


    Last night's dream was a "period piece", or period dream in this case. The setting was England in the mid-1800's.
    The main character of the dream was a young woman who was kind of overweight. She dressed in typical 1800's garb - the giant, heavy dress and hat thing, ankles covered - all in black - the works. She was a widow and the people that inhabited the little town where she lived regarded her as a little "crazy" ever since she lost her husband in a tragic accident a few years earlier. She was often distant and never, ever smiled - totally humorless - also a bit of a recluse.
    Her husband had died from falling into the ocean when she and he were having a cliff-side picnic. The sharp rocks and violent waves caused him to drown before anyone could get down to help him.
    The thing was, in the dream I was able to see the scenario of what REALLY happened during the "tragic accident", here it is: During the picnic, her husband actually jumped into the water as a kind of joke, and as a way of showing his new bride that he was fearless and not entirely humorless. I think she might have even dared him to do it at some point. After he jumped into the water from the cliff, they were both laughing and she was actually very impressed at his outrageousness. He shouted to her from the water "Would you like to join me my love?" to which she shouted back, while beside herself with laughter "No!! No my love!" (remember this is a period piece dream so they have to talk all corny).
    After realizing she was not going to jump down in the water to join him he shouted "Well then, would you be so kind as to throw me down some bread and wine? Or a sandwich or something? All this treading water is making me famished!" to which she started laughing hysterically.
    She was laughing really hard and being very silly. She stood up and grabbed a giant rock next to her that was the size of a loaf of bread. She raised the rock over her head as if about to throw it and shouted down "OK my love! Here is the bread for you! I hope I did not accidentally grab a heavy rock that looks like a loaf of bread!" and she threw the rock straight down into the water, laughing. Her husband's face changed from laughing to kind of a concerned look as he saw the rock coming towards him. Before he could even react, the rock came smashing down on his head and smashed it wide open. He was probably killed instantly from the blow as blood started to fill the water around him - but if not he must have drowned quickly thereafter because of being knocked unconscious.
    She was totally still. She stared down at him and her face was completely changed. She looked very serious and it seemed to be quickly dawning on her that she had actually just killed her husband by a silly little joke that got out of hand, and bad judgment on her part - and bad luck. She just stared down at his lifeless body, resigned to the bizarre and tragic situation that she had just been a part of - and the fact that her new husband was now dead.
    In a daze, she went into the village for help. When asked what happened, she told them that her husband had stumbled and fallen into the water and hit his head on the rocks below and the sharp rocks and violent waves caused him to drown before she or anyone could get down to help him. She knew that no one would believe the story and that she might even be charged with murder. Her husband had already died and she wasn't thinking totally straight because she was in shock. Everyone believed her story and she just carried the secret with her and went into a kind of prolonged mourning for many years.
    I was observing this in my dream as the woman, after years of not telling anyone, was telling this in confidence to a therapist in the village (did they have therapists in 1800's England?). I was watching the story unfold like a little film as she was telling the therapist what really happened. It was weird because I was nowhere in this dream at all and I'm almost always in my dreams.


    I'm watching news footage on TV of Al Gore and his family go to church on a Sunday morning. I see he has two blond daughters with him - I can't remember how many kids he has or what they look like in real life - but these are the ones in my dream. One daughter is very young and almost looks like a cross between a super young Reese Witherspoon and Shirley Temple.
    My "dream eye" follows the daughter through to the next day - kind of like fast forward - and into school. I think to myself "Wow, if you were the young daughter of the Vice President and he was in a super controversial bid to maybe almost be the President and you went to public school - you would probably get all kinds of flack from assholes at school about your dad! Maybe even from some of the teachers!"
    So I am watching the little Gore girl sitting at her little school desk as I'm  "thinking" this. Then I realize that Al Gore's daughters are probably in a private school. the little girl is by herself at the desk and isn't really talking to anyone.
    Suddenly I see there is a little boy her age, in her class in the row behind her, in a private school uniform (mixed sexes?). The boy says something really rude to her like "Your dad is a fuckin' cheater and a jerk! He's gonna loose and if he wins he sucks". She just looks over at him totally nonplused and gives him this bored look like she couldn't care less about him or his thoughts. It's the most brilliant stare down I've ever seen because it requires no effort and that's what makes it work so well. It's like she doesn't even see him.
    The boy is completely slayed by this and has no idea how to react. He just sits there with a long face and doesn't say a word. The Gore girl just calmly looks back in the direction she was looking in like it was nothing at all and the boy sits there really embarrassed.
    I think to myself "Wow! If anyone can raise their 8 year old daughter to do that then he is more than qualified to be President of the United States!"
    I am not in this dream at all - except I'm watching it - just like yesterday's dream.


    In a forest in the day time. It's Winter and the sun is shining - lots of it because there are no leaves on the trees. I am in the forest, I think, or maybe I'm just observing what's going on. There is a guy there sitting on the ground. He has winter clothes on and is smoking a cigarette. He keeps nodding off and catching himself like a heroin addict. He starts to hear some kind of sound all around him I think because suddenly my "dream camera eye" gets all these close-ups of the side of his face and he is looking around and maybe covering his ears with his hands. I don't hear the sounds but I SEE the sounds as these little squibbles of color that flash around at different places around the forest. You know when you draw things on 35 mm film with magic marker and then show it through a projector? That's what these little scribbley animated things look like - like they've been drawn on the film and the dream I'm having is a film.
    The guy seems really freaked and scared by the scribbles of color. His face keeps looking from one to another as he sees them and he seems to be getting really frightened. I see the scribbles but I realize that he doesn't see the scribbles, he just hears different loud sounds, loud enough to keep startling him.
    I see scribbles as representations of what he hears and he doesn't see scribbles, just hears sounds. I can't hear them because it is like a silent film. It's then that I realise I hear no sound at all in the dream.
    I wonder who made the scribbles of color and how they knew what the boy was hearing. Then I think that the filmmaker is kind of like a god or something - controlling someone's reality. Then I think that good sound effects to fill in for the sounds would be either loud balloons popping or firecrackers or laser blasts or the highly amplified sound of cellophane rustling.


    I receive an email from an old friend saying that he heard from another old friend that I lost touch with 13 years ago and have been wondering about. He says that he got an email from him and asks me if I want him to tell him  said hello. I say yes. All this happens not in the dream per say, but I kind of "know" that this occurred.
    The entire dream happens with me sitting in front of the computer reading an email from the long lost friend from 13 years ago. The email is very, very long and looks like it has been forwarded lots of times with lots of email addresses all over it. I am looking through the email desperately trying to any information I can about this person. Every time I scroll up and down through the email I see more and more images (that are just text or say 'can't display image') and attachments for movies or sound files which use odd plug-ins that I have never heard of. I cannot find a single thing about this person that I have not heard from in 13 years, even though the email is from him to me. I get more and more frustrated and am looking trough the email furiously. At one point I find a link to his home page but a command comes on and says the link is dead.
    The room I am in keeps getting darker and darker and I get more and more resigned to the fact that I'll never be able to hear from this long lost friend again.


Can't remember dreams from last night.


    Just a few images from my dreams from last night:
    One is of a giant, empty, indoor stadium. I am mid-way up in the seats and am looking around inside the partially lit stadium. There is not a soul around but myself - you could hear a pin drop. I look up at the massive ceiling and see these transparent, fishing wire-like strings coming down from the ceiling and onto a row of seats on the opposite side of the stadium. The perspective is weird. I can't tell if the strings are really little, and right in front of my face or, if they are actually gigantic and are truly coming from the ceiling and going all the way to the other side of the stadium - which would mean they were gigantic. Is this dream trying to tell me that the "arena" I inhabit isn't really as big as I think is is (or small?). That it all depends on my perspective?
    Then I saw the same strings, except this time they are attached to what looks like two baseball cards laid out in front of me. On the cards are two 70's style porno-looking guys (clothed).
    Then I see this little computer internet browser window in front of me - like when you watch a little Quicktime movie or something. There are little controls on the bottom of the little screen for play or fast forwarding or whatever. On the screen are the words "The End" like the little movie that had played is over. However, when I look closer at the screen I see that the words don't say "The End" - they say "And End". The "E" in "End" keeps flickering back and forth from and "E" to an "T".


I guess I was anticipating our reading for "Head Case" because I had the following dream:
    The only people that come to our reading are two slim, naked women. They look like twins and they are kind of un-real looking. Now that I think about it - they look like that sculpture of the twin ladies that's on the cover of that Jane's Addiction album.
    These two naked twin girls come to our reading and Michael and I are trying to get them to read from the script but they are too distracted in the kitchen. We keep calling them to come in and read but they are too busy spreading cream cheese on little Triscit crackers. They are so preoccupied with this that we can't get them to come in and read from the script.


    I'm on stage at a club (Don Hill's in NYC) and I have a guitar. I go up to the microphone and notice that there is hardly anyone in the audience, or club at all. As I go up to the microphone I say "Hello everyone thanks for coming out, we're called I Don't Do Group Clapping." That's the name of our band: I Don't Do Group Clapping. Even though I am alone on stage it's like I have a "band". I never start playing and the few people that are in the audience don't even react at all.
    Later in the dream I decide another good name for a band would be "What Hump?".


    I laying in my bed. As I am laying there, I keep getting these rushes of different emotions. I am shuffling through these old newspapers. The newspapers are folded in half and are normal size. They have these maroon colored plastic frames that kind of hold them together - it looks like you might have to unlock the frame to open the paper. I notice that as I look through each paper (I only look at the front page), I feel a different emotion. Sometimes it's happiness and sometimes it's a very frightening feeling, like serious depression. As I'm going through them and wondering why each one causes me to feel different.
    Soon I realize that I have gone into the future, or something like that, and these newspapers represent a "new" kind of internet or world wide web or something. Anytime anyone has any life experience, they can plug their head into this new internet and upload exactly how they feel - like onto a webpage or something. Anyone can then do a search for these kinds of situations and download the experience and re-live it for themselves. Kind of like that movie "Brainstorm" only you don't actually see and hear and feel the experience. You just hold the newspaper and feel the emotions that the person felt when they were having the experience. The description on the listing might say something like "Jet skiing with my dad when I was 13" or "Having a baby". But you wouldn't actually experience these things viscerally - like pain or wet or motion or friction - just the feelings the person felt during each moment. You would probably have to guess what was happening during each moment as you went along - based on what you were feeling.
    I'm shuffling through the papers and I only seem to be picking up ones that are really sad. I decide I don't like this new internet thing and I think that it's a little dangerous. Like someone can upload the worst most terrifying experience they ever had - and there it is, uploaded onto the web for all time - ready for anyone and everyone to download and use however they want. As I'm looking through the papers I realize there are billions and billions of entries and they all look sad and scary.


    Almost, almost made it to Big Lake Park in Plano, Texas in this dream. Whatever making it to that place represents in my dreams must be getting closer (in real life - based on something I'm doing?) because I got really close this time.
    I was staying with, as usual, a family of strangers. The mother looked like a cross between Amanda Bearse and Gillian Anderson. It started with me at my old high school. Class was in session and I was just kind of wandering around. I remember the sunlight was shining really bright all over the campus and it was like it was Spring. It was really fun to roam around.
    Then I was back at "home". I had a brother who wore black T-shirts all the time. We had a large game room in our house that looked like a big patio that had been converted into a room. The game room had long wooden tables in it like you see at a camp cafeteria. They were serving beer and stuff in this room - there were waiters and bartenders and everything - really odd. My "mom" was sitting there. She seemed really bored and over everything.
    My "brother" was talking to me about my shoes. I was looking down at my feet and I had my socks on. One of the socks had a huge hole in the heel so my whole heel was exposed. My mom was looking on, totally bored.
    As I was talking to him, I suddenly realized, like in all the other dreams, that I was in Plano and could probably get to Big Lake Park. This made me feel totally happy and really excited. Could I drive there? Wait a minute! I knew that we lived somewhere near the high school - and that was practically walking distance to Big Lake Park. A long walk but reachable by foot definitely.
    I pictured a little Yahoo! map of the area in my head as I planned to go out there. It was Spring! The park would be beautiful! It was nighttime but I started planning my walk anyway and I ended the dream thinking about it and feeling really happy and centered. This is the closest I have gotten so far in this reoccurring dream. Or the closest I felt I was - the dream that it seemed the most obtainable.


    I was on this college campus - I guess I was a student there. The campus was made up of all these ski lodge-like buildings and the whole place almost looked like a ski resort of Christmas village. It was always nighttime there and there was snow everywhere. The light from inside the buildings was always casting patterns on the snow.
    I remember the whole time I got the feeling that I was alone and it was kind of sad/creepy. I was always walking around campus with my book bag and was always saying hello to people but I think I got the impression that I didn't know anybody.
    At some point I realized that I could fly. Like kick my legs in the air and fly around - almost like I was underwater.
    At one point I was flying over the roofs of this one set of buildings and there was nobody around. As I was flying upwards I started to sing this song and the lyrics were like "You gotta bone, dome, nomed, gomed, domed, fromed..." and I could hear the music of the song in my head and it went along well with the rhyming words and I was like "I gotta remember this...this is a good song!"


No dreams.


No dreams.


    My friend Manny Parrish has just moved into this fantastic new house in the middle of some unknown city. It almost looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright house, with lots and lots of empty space, long hallways, big windows and weird fake walls made out of crisscrossed wood that has been painted black. It sits on top of this really big green grass hill smack in the middle of the city. The city looks pretty new and is not too densely packed with buildings and stuff. There are always people over at the house and there always seems to be a party or something going on.
    At one point I come into the house and find Manny and some person asleep on his kitchen floor and I creep quietly around them so as not to wake them up. When he does wake up, there are a lot more people in the house. Manny walks into the main room and asks who wants to go swimming in the lake outside. I look out the front and see a giant lake instead of the city. I think to myself "Wow! That would actually be really fun!". But neither of us go swimming.
    Later, Manny is giving some visitors a tour of the house. We are looking out into the vast front yard, with the green grass sloping down, and the beginning of the city down below at the edge of the yard. I look and see a little fountain made of logs in the yard. I see there are all these logs sticking into the ground around the fountain that have been spray painted different colors, like a rainbow. I imagine that Manny did that.
    Just across the yard is this giant hotel. It is this huge, cube-shaped building, probably about 40 stories high. It is made of white stone and has no windows on it at all, just a front door. While Manny is telling people about the front yard and explaining to them how he wants to expand the house into the yard, I am looking at the hotel and "seeing" or "hearing" my dad speak. He is saying that he and mom are coming to visit me. He says I should look the hotel name up on the internet and see if there is a picture of it on the website. If there is, and it's the hotel I can see right now, then it is probably the one they will be staying in while they are here.
    I think to myself. "Wow! How convenient! They will be living right across from me while they are here and will be really impressed with my new digs!"
    It's then that I realize I live with Manny in the house.


    I'm in some weird, round room that has a giant drain in the center. There are these giant, white blob creatures that keep piling into a pile at the center of the room - almost like they are all trying to get into the drain. I am standing by a pole near the center of the room, so each time one of the creatures piles on from above (I have no idea where they are coming from), they almost hit me or brush against me. They are all shaped differently, have no features - just round-ish shapes like maybe limbs - and they are all the bright shade of ping-pong white. One of them falls on the pile and I notice, where it's ass is, there is only one buttock instead of two. Then right on top of him falls a creature with two buttocks.
    Then I'm in this unsusual city - I don't know where. The city is all packed with tourists because the Olympics, or something like it, is in town. I go to this restaurant that is on the ledge roof of a building. It is pretty cold and windy outside so I don't know why anyone would wanna eat outside. The hostess of the restaurant looks like Tina Louise, but it isn't her. As soon as I get there, a giant crowd of what looks like a teenage, all female basketball or softball team arrives. They are all wearing their matching, colorful running suits and expensive sneakers. They are all cheering or chanting or something and I see some of them have pom poms. When they arrive, a lot more people suddenly arrive out of nowhere and suddenly the hostess is swamped trying to find tables for all these people. I see her looking upwards going "Gaaaaaaa!" and I look up to where she is looking. It's another roof ledge that has empty, set tables. I look up and see the flower vases and the pyramid folded napkins on the tables up there blowing in the freezing wind. I guess the hostess wants to try to seat all these new people up there.
    Then, I swear to God, I am dressed in drag as Nancy Reagan. I am walking to a really posh hotel in town where I know Nancy Reagan is staying for some reason. The whole reason I'm going there, it seems, is to make fun of her walk. I, or maybe others, seem to think she walks too funny. I am supposed to go there, dressed like her, and walk really exaggerated and goofy in front of her to poke fun and piss her off. Why? Hey - it's a dream.
    I walk into the grand foyer of the hotel and march through it in Nancy Reagan drag doing my funny walk. I walk clear through to the back of the hotel. As I am entering the back where the alley is, I hear a very angry Nancy coming down the giant staircase in the lobby. She's yelling "Hey! Get back here! How dare you do that!". I don't look at her and I just keep walking, I make it all the way to the back and go out the back door and into the little alley. The sun is out and it's beautiful like it's Springtime. I go to the left and start running to get away from her. I'm almost to the end of the alley and I hear the door I came out of creak open, it's Nancy coming out into the alley to find me. Except now (and even though I'm far from her I can "see" her) she has turned into this weird hybrid of Nancy Reagan/Hillary Clinton/Camille Paglia. I stop running and start walking again, my back to her and very far away, so it looks like I had been walking the whole time and just made incredible time. She's yelling at me but I know I got away.


No dreams.


Still no dreams.


    I'm watching this scene, it's like a really idyllic green, rolling pasture with blue skies and clouds and a gentle wind and everything. It's day time and the sun is out. In the sky is this HUGE balloon/kite looking thing. It's made of what looks like the back of someone's hair. In the front of it are two oval shaped things that are dark brown too but I can't see them because they are in the back. The part that looks like someone's hair is real hair, but I see it in normal perspective, like it's a person standing right in front of me. The object is obviously gigantic though, and is hovering about 20 feet above the ground over a hill which is about 100 yards ahead of me. It has wires connecting it to the ground. I feel like I'm watching a UFO or something.
    A voice comes into my head and I find myself thinking "Oh it's the floating back of someone's hair thing!" and I realize that the giant floating object makes me feel really happy.


    Can't really remember the whole thing. I was with my roommate Michael and we were in some weird Las Vegas/Osaka hybrid. We were staying in some hotel. There was a viscous, killer alien creature loose somewhere in the hotel. The creature looked like one of the first stages of the alien from "Alien". At one point we were looking out the balcony window of our hotel and we saw a little dog come in and we heard the alien attacking and killing the dog behind a TV set. It was really depressing! We didn't dare go near it though - for some reason we knew confronting the alien would mean instant death, so we just stood there and listened. There was beige colored industrial carpet in the hotel room and the TV I remember was bolted in the corner. The sunlight was casting really interesting patterns on the wall and floor from the giant windows. The sunlight almost looked like halogen lighting. Very creepy and weird.
    I think there was another part where I was working at some aluminum building, you know those ones with the aluminum walls and ceilings? I can't remember much of it.
    At the end, when Michael and I were supposed to leave, Michael was saying "Is there anything you want to do before we leave?" and I'm like "How about that loop ride thing we saw on the way in here?" - it was some amusement park ride we saw on the way in, and it was literally right down the street from our hotel. Michael gets out a pad of paper and pen and is like "OK, we can rent a limo and take it down there...OK that would be $300, and we can arrange for someone to meet us there and carry our stuff for us up to the much do you think that would be?" and I'm like "Michael it's right down the street!"


    I'm looking at a gossip magazine like National Inquirer or something like that. There is a long story about Leonardo DiCaprio and how some hackers hacked into something and discovered tht he had been spending a lot of time in chat rooms in Malaysia. They said what his screen name was but I can't remember it now. When I was reading it I was in this really posh hotel and was waiting to go on the set of a movie that I was in. I was reading the paper and having breakfast.
    Then I dreamed about the seamstress(s) for the movie "Speed". I remember wondering in the dream how they come up with sewing the ass of Keanu Reeves' kakhi pants extra tight because his ass looked really great in that film. Was it a request by Keanu? The director? The stylist? Were the costume people women? Gay? What a myserty...

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