Mark Allen's Dream Journal - November, 2002
*note: Date of dream entry refers to day before,the date of the night I went to sleep and the dream I had into the next day's date.


    I am standing on the top of a small hill in what looks like a section of Denton, Texas that I remember from my later years in college. It is a wide open area far away from where the main town is. There is a freeway way off to one side, way in the distance, and maybe a house or two far, far off in another direction. The main thing is that there are two roads intersecting right where I am standing. And telephone wires high above my head, following the roads. Otherwise it is just grass fields (green) and maybe a field or two of crops blocked off by a small barbed wire fence. I can hear the wind slightly blowing, it is sunny daytime and I think it is Spring. there is not a soul around.
    I start to walk around and I see this strange structure, like a house that is built halfway above and below ground, like it's kind of camouflaged. It seems to be built sloppily out of old lumber, like scraps, then painted white. The roof is painted red. Half of the structure is buried under ground. I get the impression that this structure is one of many similar ones "hidden" in this area. As I enter the structure... I walk into the first room. I can see the sun shining in through the slits in the sloppily built walls and making patterns on the dirt floor. No one is around. Although I sense that maybe there is someone or more than one person deep in a sub layer level of the structure... like deep inside. and that maybe they are aware of my presence. I get a sinister feeling from this.
    As I walk around the dirt floor and the sun makes patterns on my shirt as I move... I start to notice something all over the walls, ceiling and floors. I look closely and see that every surface inside the house is covered with a finely woven layer of firecrackers. They are all tied together with their fuses and cover every single inch of the inside of the structure. There must be billions and billions of individual firecrackers used. I see that if just one of them is lit, it will cause a domino effect and the entire house will slowly start to blow apart. I start to worry and creep around slowly so as not to disturb the firecrackers. I also start to worry that the hot sun shining through the slits in the walls may ignite one of the fuses. I just slowly get out of there and back out into the sunny, grassy fields of Texas... where I can hear birds chirping and children playing in the distance.
    Then a total scenario shift: it is daytime and I am on the streets of NYC (although I may still be in Denton, Texas - I'm not sure). I am with some friends and we are looking at this big, long piece of dog doo on the sidewalk. It is giant and there are big horseflies around it. We are laughing at it for some reason and I start to take pictures of it, which makes us laugh harder. Suddenly we notice that there are two large horseflies stuck inside the shit itself... one at each end of the turd. We are laughing and kind of like "Ewww..." and we keep looking at it. Suddenly we see that the two flies' bodies are stuck in the shit, but their wings are not - and can still flap. So the flies start to buzz/flap their wings really hard, and by both doing this together - they cause the big long turd to float up off the sidewalk and start to erratically fly away... just by the power of their wings. We start to laugh really hard and are like "Hahaha! Oh my god hahaha! Take a picture! Oh my god take a picture! Hahaha!" and we are laughing and bumping into each other to try and get out of the flying turd and I start to take as many pictures of it as I can before it flies away... and it's hard because I'm laughing so hard.


    I am in some mall and I am walking around. I am with Girlina and maybe some other guy that is with her. There is some scenario where I am supposed to stand on a stage in some part of the mall at some point and sing REM songs with a back up band. Girlina and I keep walking to pay phones in the mall to call someone to find out about the gig and ask some questions because I don't know words to any REM songs and I am worried. The show is in a few hours.
    There was also some strange scenario where I was walking from NYC back to this mall in Plano, Texas (where the REM gig and Girlina were - now that I think about it, it was Collin Creek Mall in Plano) and when I was leaving NYC, I was like "Bye everyone I'll be right back!" and NYC looked like this little mini stage prop and there was this clear path leading out of it and away... to Plano, Texas. So I followed the path and the walk from NYC to the mall in Texas took just like ten minutes. And when I was trying to call the person from the mall about the gig, I was calling back to NYC.


    I am in some house that I don't recognize. There are a lot of people there and it is raining outside. I think I may be in a big old house in the Catskill Mountains. I also think George W. Bush is there, as well as some of his campaign people and security. I am sitting in this hallway and I think I am sucking on a Blow Pop. I hear the TV on in another room and the news is on and the newscaster is talking about the recent sweeping win for Republican party candidates in the recent election. I hear Bush and some other people in another room congratulating themselves.
    From where I am sitting, I have a clear view of the kitchen in the house. I see a large Ukrainian cook woman slicing pieces of cheese of this gigantic block of cheddar cheese. She is the cook for the house. She seems really intent on uncovering what's under this one section of cheese on the giant block. As she seems to discover this one section on the block... she starts slicing and slicing really fast and stacking the slices next to her. She seems concerned about what's buried deep in that part of the block of cheese. Suddenly I realize this woman represents the Democratic party looking for some kind of scandal inside the Republican party (represented by the giant block of cheese) that they can uncover and use to swing the votes back to Democratic candidates in the 2004 election. The spot she is quickly slicing slices away from represent something buried deep that the Democratic party has discovered and is working hard to uncover.


    Another dream about Collin Creek Mall in Plano, Texas:
    I am standing outside near one of the intersections at one of the edges of one of the parking lots to the mall. There are cars and pedestrians... it is a sunny day. I am observing these two little girls... about 8 and 9 years old, maybe sisters. They both have long straight hair, one brunette and one slightly lighter. They are walking across the intersection towards me. They are both wearing these skin-tight outfits that have a loud floral print on them. They also are wearing matching sandals that have plastic flower shapes for the toe things... this matches the prints on the outfits. Both girls have identical outfits except each one is a slightly different color scheme.
    As they walk towards me they are kind of hand in hand and are both looking at me. They are both kind of singing the words to some song, in unison. The words are something like " on your toes... yea yea plastic sandals with daisy shaped things on your toes... yea yea flowers on our toes..." or something like that. It turns out that, in my dream reality, this song is very popular amongst this pre-teen girl age group, on the top ten and everything and all the girls love it and wear outfits similar to the lyrics to the song. It's like the latest fad.
    Just as they are walking past me and I am contemplating this, I see the little girls' dog following across the street behind them... following holding it's own leash in it's own mouth... like it's walking itself. The dog looks fat and is bright pink in color... the exact color of the girls' plastic pink sandals. As the pink dog gets closer I see that it is a very strange dog indeed. It is actually a pig... except it is just the outer shape of a pig... and it's skin is make of bright pink lace... that covers the entire pig just like real skin would (except it's pink lace). Plus the pig is totally hollow except for the lace... you can see right through it due to the holes in the lace... like a ghost pig with pink lace skin... that moves. Very weird. It just walks past me like totally normal, despite it's odd-ness, holding it's leash in it's mouth and trying to catch up to the girls.itecture everywhere and lots of money
    Then a total scenario shift:
    I am living in some wild city that seems to be on an island. The city is very new and beautiful... nice new architecture everywhere and lots of money. It always seems to be dusk light there, and this mixes well with all the gold and amber lights in the city and white concrete and big, reflective glass panes. The city part of the island is surrounded by a fantastic beach. I seem to share this big apartment in the busiest part of the city with Guillaume. I also seem to know these people that live in a movie theater downstairs from our apartment. They are this group of very wealthy black people. They guys in the group dress like rap stars. The people that live in the theater are having to move to the other part of the island... all the way across the city. This means they have to follow this main road/sidewalk thing that cuts straight through the city and carry all of their very heavy machinery and furniture they own to their new living space. For some reason I agree to help them move. But while they are moving I am on my bicycle while they are on foot (carrying their stuff) and I just casually ride over to them and grab something really light, like a stuffed animal or maybe something with wheels on the bottom that I can pull behind me as I ride along. As they are moving I always ride up and say something like "Oh I'll take that big projection equipment!" and then I just ride away with a paper lamp or something. As I am riding around... I run into my old college friend Michelle.
    Back at the upstairs apartment I share with Guillaume, it seems that we are going to have some new roommates. Our new roommates are a bunch of people from Japan, like eight of them. It appears that five of these eight people used to be the early 80's Japanese new wave group The Plastics. I don't know why The Plastics are moving in with Guillaume and I but am very excited by it.
    The day comes that The Plastics and their friends are going to move in. They all buzz the buzzer downstairs and Guillaume and I look out the window and see all these Japanese faces looking up at us. They come upstairs and make themselves right at home and start occupying the rooms and talking amongst themselves. There are several girls with them and I can't figure out which girl is the lead girl from the old Plastics group, who's name was Chika Sato. Eventually I find her and start talking to her. She has another female friend with her who is very rude and keeps trying to sew these ballet shoes she has and gets upset with us if we interrupt her. Chika tells me all kinds of stories about the group's history and stuff. She tells me that the side group she did later called Nena, with Kate Pierson from The B-52's, was "Okay" but that Kate was "...kind of cheap... like a New Jersey girl." Chika makes a winced-up face when she tells me this. As I am talking to Chika about all this I look around and see that we are not in the apartment anymore but are in some modern airport lobby.
    Later we're back in the apartment and I am talking to a group of the Japanese guys who are sitting by this paper scrim on these pillows on the floor. They seem to be talking among themselves and content... but when I try to talk to them and offer to do something with them in town... they smile and nod and seem excited to go with me, regardless of how they may really feel. Like they are obligated. This seems like typical Japanese social behavior to me. There is also a language barrier.
    Then I am out of the apartment and riding around on my bike. It is still dusk. For some reason now I know that I am in school while on this island and am taking a bunch of film courses. I have to make a film as my final project for one course. I run into my old friend Michelle from college again, who I always thought was very beautiful and cool. I ask her if I can use her in my final film project. She says yes and as she does I can "see" the film: it is in color and has footage of us both running naked on the picturesque beach and around inside the back of an empty moving truck that is parked on the sand on the beach. At some points in the film our bodies look very small in relation to our heads... like our bodies look like little children's naked bodies but our heads are adult.


    All I remember is some vague thing where I was in a large room filled with nice furniture... old looking stuff, like antiques. I was standing by ba large window and the light from the window was streaming into the room... but it was a diffused light, like maybe it was raining or snowing outside. Someone that looked like Adolph Hitler was walking towards me and then to my left, looking at me the whole time.

    I'm living or staying in some place that looks like a modern university town. There are college campus-like buildings all over the place and a strange subway system that travels in a straight line only - that acts as public transportation for the town. It always seems to be early morning-ish in the town... the morning sun shining brightly in a clear sky. It is warm weather.
    I seem to be on the subway system and am trying to get somewhere to organize some campus film screening. I keep getting off at the wrong stop and have to go upstairs to the open air platform and switch back over to get on the train going in an opposite direction. The platforms look normal except the boxed-in areas that contain the stairs that you go up and down in have tiny blood-red tiles (like in a decorative bathroom or mosaic wall) on the walls of them. They also have elevators in blue concrete walled-in areas.
    I finally reach my destination and my old Dallas friend Charlotte is there. She is asking me if I phoned Courtney Love the other day to arrange for her to come to the screening. Suddenly I have a memory of doing this and I remember being amazed that Courtney picked up the phone and then agreed to do it. I remember her hastily saying "Okay, okay yea... where do I go and what time? Give me the exact address!" on the phone. We are standing in the parking lot of the film screening building and the sun is shining bright and there is a news film crew there. Courtney has not shown up and is very late. Everyone is kind of mulling around. Finally Courtney does show up but it's way past the time for the screening. She is smiling and very charming and she just grabs everyone in the parking lot and invites them to some party that is going on somewhere and everyone just ditches the idea of the screening and follows her like the Pied Piper.
    Then a scenario shift: I seem to be in the middle of a road trip with someone who may be my old Dallas friend Chuck or maybe Michael or my old college friend Shane or maybe even my brother. We seem to have stopped in some very small town somewhere in the midwest. We are in the parking lot of some little strip mall and are walking along and looking in all the shop windows. It seems to be early Fall now.  There are bright  yellow and red and orange leaves blowing all over the sidewalks in front of the stores... in some cases little piles of them have accumulated.
    We see the front of what looks like one of those strange stores or weird theaters that have strange side-show attractions like a chicken dressed in a little basketball outfit inside a glass cage made up to look like a miniature basketball court and that will move a miniature basketball with it's beak and feet into a miniature basketball hoop for a handful of feed that comes down a little shoot - which you can activate by putting a quarter into the slot at the bottom of the glass cage. They also seem to have signs for stuff like psychic readings and stuff. And I seem to remember a purple sign on the outside that said something like "Madame Fornute's Fantasy World Theater" or something like that. We go inside and the lobby of the theater is dramatically lit and there are piles of all the colorful fall leaves all over the floor, like outside. The colored lights seem to match the leaves. It looks like a typical movie theater lobby except it is stripped away of everything... just empty counters and booths and bare walls... all painted dark colors with the colored lights shining on them. There is not one person around. It is very creepy and me and my friend kind of make the collective decision to leave. But my friend is a little more curious than me and he starts yelling "Hello! Anyone here?" and then these two women come from the back and stand behind the counter at the back of the lobby and say "Can we help you?" They are both fat. They also seem totally surprised and confused that anyone is in the place... like they never get customers. We ask them what the "Fantasy World Theater" is and they just say stuff like "Oh it's great! You'll love it! Fifty cents each please... right this way!" and lead us to the right where big doors open up.
    Behind the doors is a large move theater with all the seats gone (so it's just a bare concrete floor). The theater has the same dark walls and dim, dramatic colored lighting everywhere. There are piles of the leaves all over the floor just like outside and there is a wind inside the theater blowing them around. Weird. You have to walk up a constant incline to walk into the theater... right up to the screen (the opposite floor angle of a typical theater). We walk in and the leaves are blowing all around out legs and we hear the two women out in the lobby yell "It's gonna start soon!" and then we hear this loud *bang!* and hear what sounds like all this heavy machinery in the next room start cranking up and the wind inside the theater starts to get really strong and the colored leaves are whipping everywhere and the lighting hasn't changed and there is nothing on the screen. The wind is like a tornado now and the leaves are whipping our faces and we are having to yell and it's almost hard to breath. My friend looks at me and yells "Lets get out of here I don't like this!" and I turn to run out the doors.


    I'm on stage at the club Don Hill's in NYC with some people I don't know. The club is pretty empty and the fluorescent lights are on overhead. I seem to be on stage unexpectedly and am expected to perform. Somehow, me and the people I am with do an improv version of sonic Youth's "I Love Her All the Time" and it goes over well with the six people in the audience. I am thinking "This is so easy!"


No dreams.


    There was some weird scenario where I was going to visit what I think was my family at some fantastic estate somewhere, on a large property that looked like it might have been an apple orchard or a wine vineyard. It was always sunny daytime while I was there. Sometimes my family was my family and sometimes they were these other people I don't know. Sometimes they seemed to be these people that were making a film about a police detective... that I was starring in... and that's why it always seemed like early morning, because the call for film sets is always so early morning.
    Before I left wherever it was that I was staying before I went to visit my family/film producers - I was staying somewhere else. And before I left I found these ten itty bitty little bugs... like tiny, tiny spiders... some of them translucent white and a few bright green. I collected them in a little pouch and took them with me to the estate. When I arrived at the estate I carefully took them out and placed them on this bare mattress that was in the middle of the room I was staying in (the room was cluttered with stuff like an attic). I went about stuff at the estate and forgot about them.
    At one point I was in one room and I saw my dad. He had gained a lot of weight since I saw him last... he almost looked like Alfred Hitchcock. As I was talking to him, I was sitting in front of this very old fashioned computer... like one from the late 1970's or something. I was telling my dad that if he wanted to talk to me, now might be a good time. As I am telling him this, and my dad is setting up a time to talk to me... I look down and see a sentence on the computer screen that I have typed. It says something like "..aud  Fruent... FRUEND Turd the" or something nonsensical like that. I seem to be working very intently on the sentence, like it is taking a lot of work to finish. I also realize that the sentence holds the key yo me and my dad communicating.  Then I look at a stack of record albums behind the computer and see all these copies of Siouxsie and the Banshee's "Swimming Horses" record, like lots and lots of copies all in different colors and editions, that my brother had bought me as gifts long ago when we were kids. I'm looking through them and am amazed that so many editions of this one song were released, and that my brother bought them all for me.
    Then there is some scenario where I am visiting one of my massage clients that lives in a barn on my parents propert.y He is taking a shower in the big bathroom in the barn and I have all my massage stuff set up in the next room. He is asking me if he wants a rub down from him after I am finished. I'm just staring at him with contempt.
    Then there is another scenario on the property where I am in this old, Winter-y, swamp-like area that has junk and old abandoned cars here and there in the mossy water. I am there with some people I don't know. It's sunny and cold. It appears that this swamp area is the real life location of some message board service on the internet... and we are all participants in the message board. When any of us leave messages on the board, the location of the junk or old cars changes... or appears and re-appears... like magic.
    When I got back to the room where the mattress is that I left the spiders from home on... I looked for them on the mattress, I was amazed to find them still on the mattress. They were all crawling away from the area I had placed them in... except I guess I hadn't noticed that there was a tangled layer of very fine, white hair on top of the mattress... covering the whole thing. So the tiny spiders were having a very difficult time walking on the surface of this... it was hard but they were doing it anyway... you could tell they were determined.


    There was some scenario where Guillaume was standing in our kitchen and looking in the bottom of this black coffee cup from my pantry. He was noticing this black mass of what looked like rock solid molten lava that had been melted onto the inside of the bottom of the cup. I explained to him that this was a black coal burner thing used to light old fashioned herb incense that Gregory had bought me once from Enchantments on 9th street, for me to burn, to ward off evil spirits (which really happened). I didn't have a metal pot to burn it in and so I used this cup. I told him I had meant to throw it away but I guess it was still in there... and he shouldn't drink out of it. Guillaume looks at me very suspiciously and then puts the cup away and I walk out of the kitchen.
    I get the impression that this dream may have happened a few nights ago, but that I somehow "channeled" it last night.


    There was something about being in this Hawaii-type atmosphere... like up in a big grass hut tree house. I was in a big room that had an open wall that looked out onto the land. There was a big, long wooden table with a bunch of kind of fat Hawaiian women sitting around it. They were all wearing floral colored wraps and orchids in their hair. There was something about this little worm, which I think was a silkworm, that one of the women had carefully brought from the open wall area and laid on the center of the table. They were all looking at it and "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" over it like a baby. They also kept looking at me and then back at the worm. I think the worm might also have been a chewed piece of gum.


    There was a lot going on in the dream but I seemed to forget it after I woke up. I remember waking up many times during the night and being like "...whoa!". There was some scenario where I saw an image of myself and someone else loading these boxes onto these piles of other boxes inside some kind of warehouse. The boxes were made of sheets of aluminum... like parts or air conditioning shafts. When we laid one box onto the pile and walked away from it to get another one... the side of the box that was facing my "view" went balck and started projecting all these rectangular shapes of color... some of them looked like moving images like a TV screen. They seem to represent something or somethings happening somewhere else.
    Then there was another scenario where I was looking at this small potted plant that was all the way on the other end of the room that I was standing in. instead of a plant growing out of the pot though... there was this bright white shape... it looked like a flat teardrop/flame shape cut out of paper, sticking out of the top of the pot. As I looked at it I realized it was glowing... and actually seemed to be a "hole" that I could see into an entirely different scenario with... like a cut out hole into another reality. As I am thinking of this, I see myself with a black briefcase and business suit walk past the foreground of the scenario... and look at me as I'm walking past.
    There was another scenario happening in a beautiful, rolling green hills area where it was very early morning and there was fog all over the place... and cows, and clusters of trees and barbed wire fences.
    I do seem to remember in the dream getting this overwhelming sense that everything was going to be okay in my life... like something had occurred in the heavens or kharmic-ally speaking that was going to make sure everything in my life worked out okay from this point on... but as the dream wore on I realized this was just a fantasy, and things became more realistic.
    At the very end of the dream, I was in the same unknown house that the weird potted plant had been in, but was in another room. I was holding my hands over my face and crying and pacing around the room and getting very upset about my old friend Steve... who had died in the mid 90's. I was thinking "Why? Why? He was so young! Oh think of all the things he missed! What must have been going through his mind in those last few weeks?" and it was very sad and intense.
    THEN I WOKE UP: I woke up from the dream, and sleep, and was thinking about Steve and how he's gone. But as I was pouring my coffee I suddenly stopped and looked up and realized that Steve WAS NOT dead at all. He didn't die in the mid 90's... he just moved to L. A. and I have not seen him in a very long time. It's like my incorrect dream was influencing my waking, real life memories.


No dreams.


    I remember something very vague about being in this old town. I seemed to be there with people I did not know... but also with my old friend Glen. We seemed to drive around at different times of day to all these big old houses and do stuff. Some of the houses were old and abandoned... maybe haunted. Some were occupied. There was some young woman who lived in one of the houses who had blond, big, heavy-metal-looking hair that talked to us as we laid on this bed covered in book and photo albums and stuff. That's all I remember.


    Can't remember much. There was something again about a breakfast table in a modern home, that was full of people I didn't know. Everyone is eating breakfast at the table and some brunette woman walks past me carrying something. The dream was much '"larger" but that's all I can recall.


I'm at Jim's house. Jim is not there. It seems, in my dream, that there are a lot of wandering groups of rowdy, bored teenagers who roam around his neighborhood. Apparently it is such a problem, that many of the homes in the area have these weird, mechanical "cages" that are made of the fine metal screen material that screen doors and patio screens are made of. The cages have a mechanism that lowers the screen over the front of the house... like those aluminum guard cages mechanically lower over the front of stores in big cities when they close up at night. There is some scenario where it is night time... and I am inside Jim's house alone. I am standing outside on the front porch looking out over the trees. To my left I see a group of loud black kids dressed in colorful "beach wear" and bathing caps (like from an old Hollywood movie) walking towards the house. They have these giant, colorful, inflatable beach balls that they are bouncing around. I think to myself "Oh no these are one of the groups of teens everyone has warned me about!" I reach for the switch to lower the cage thing. As it is lowering it malfunctions and only one side of it goes down... the other side stays up so it comes down at and angle and makes this loud scraping sound like *S-S-C-R-R-R-E-E-E-E-E-T-T-T-Z-Z-Z-!* and then it stops. All the black teenagers laugh at this and one of them throws a red plastic child's beach sand bucket with matching plastic shovel at the cage and it hits it and bounces off. They keep walking past me and away, they certainly didn't seem like a threat and obviously couldn't care less about me. I'm embarrassed. I climb up to see if I can "un-jam" the part of the cage that is stuck, but it looks ruined. So I leave it like that and go inside.
    Suddenly when I am inside I see that one of the back windows was wide open. Oh no! What if someone got inside while I was distracted on the porch!? I look around and indeed see this woman with long, thick brunette hair sitting on my couch. She seems to be collecting little pebbles or maybe pills that she has spilled onto the cushions of Jim's couch... scooping them up in her hands and looking at me through her hair which blocks her face when she is bent over scooping the stuff up. She just keeps looking at me and scooping up the stuff and putting it in this grocery bag. I seem kind of nonplused. I walk into the kitchen to re-set this weird bird clock that Jim has. Then I come back into the living room and see that the woman is not there... I walk to the back of the house and find her crawling out the little bathroom window. Just as I get into the bathroom she pops out of the window (she was a little stuck) and outside. As she was doing this I saw that she had on tight, acid-washed jeans and black boots on. I reach up and slam the bathroom window shut. I hear the woman's footsteps crunching the leaves outside as she walks around outside the house.
    I walk back to the front of the house... I see this older guy wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase walking around in the living room. Oh no! I left the front door wide open... and the cage thing is stuck open... he must have wandered in! He seems to be interested in the couch too. I open my mouth to say something and he looks at me nervously and then quickly runs past me and to the bathroom, where I know he is going to climb out of the little bathroom window just like the woman did. I go out onto the porch to see if I can still fix the broken cage.


    I'm really having trouble remembering my dreams concretely of late.
    There was something where I was living in this very big old house. I was there with a lot of people. Every day we had to go out and do something and then go back to our rooms at night and "evaluate" what we had done - like every day was an adventure. My room was very similar to my real apartment, but it had dark industrial carpeting. I think Jim was in the dream.


    All I seem to remember is a table with people sitting at it, eating food... and some of the people are dressed like Indians - specifically like the Indian guy from The Village People.


 - Took a few-day break from typing my dreams for the holidays -

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