Pedestrian Spy!
A surveillance-junkie's project-o-riffic
wonder world of opinionated
scape goating! |
This is the part of my website where I snap random pictures of people from
my fire escape with a cheap telescopic lens camera, and then post them
on the internet and make up wild, base-less, opinionated opinions about
who they are, what they are like, and what they are thinking.
There has been a lot of recent debate about the "New Big Brother" and advancing
electronic surveillance techniques in urban areas designed to counter-act
crime and terrorism... and the sweeping changes and under-handed erosion
it may cause in our basic civil liberties. I recently read the facts/speculations
discussed in this
article in the Village Voice.
I'm not necessarily against surveillance cameras in urban areas... I'm
kind of indifferent to it... maybe because I feel like I really have nothing
to hide (or maybe that's just what I want you to think)... I don't know.
The whole "New Big Brother" thing strikes me as one of those things that
ratty, activist liberal law school types like to bully people into debating
about. They're all "Can you believe the rising potential of CTS and
the effect it could have on our individual privacy" and I'm like "Oh...
yea, these things are important to keep track of... but it doesn't bother
me too much... I mean I..." and his face gets red and he rumbles "DOESN'T
RIGHTS OF..." and I start nodding smiling-ly and my ears go on auto
pilot and I turn to the guy behind the counter and say "Can you make
that falafel to go please?"
So to contribute to this trend, I have decided to experience it from the
other, more fun, end. I think the whole omnipresent, unblinking observation
eye of surveillance in our cities is a control freak's wet dream... and
I'm taking the driver's seat. Here's MY contribution. I perch up on my
fifth floor fire escape and snap random pictures of people on the street
and then post them here, along with my instantly-formed opinions about
them. Or is it what I'm mirroring my owning up to my perception of my own
opinions about myself expressed through my opinion of what they are thinking?
It's a Judgement-o-rama technological wonder world of scape goating, I've
never felt so in control... and I'm so full of projection I might as well
eat film for breakfast. You decide...
The pictures are kind of blurry and TV screen-y because I was so far away.
Plus the blurry, digital-y fuzzed-out electronic image is consistent and
often synonymous with the surveillance camera genre.
Actually a couple of these people I have seen around my neighborhood before...
so the opinions I have formed of them before will count in my summaries
of them below. I hope the Surveillance
Camera Outdoor Walking Tour of New York City includes me on their walking
tour! I think I'll send them an email explaining who I am and what I do.
And if you start walking around the Lower East Side, and feel a certain
opinionated something leering over your shoulder from 50 yards away...
Who: A man
pushing a woman in a wheelchair while another woman walks along. All appear
to be middle aged. The woman (?) being pushed appears to possibly have
a debilitating disability like severe CP or something, as her arm seems
poised in mid-spazz.
What they are
doing: The walking man and woman are carting the wheelchair "woman"
to go get her mullet cut off (which is clearly visible) as the New York
Times, as of summer '03, has recently proclaimed ironic mullet haircuts
as officially, finally "over." Note: mullet haircut on non-trendily-dressed
handicapped person in wheelchair may be evidence of lesbianism on one or
all three. The man could possibly be an extremely butch lesbian. Note:
attention to fashion rules betrays most lesbian stereotype.
Handicapped lesbianism
"I can't wait to get this mullet cut off my handicapped lesbian girlfriend...
I hope no one sees it beforehand." |
What they are
doing: Carrying a red plastic sack down the street on her way home
to steam dinner AND (of course) scraping her black sandals on the sidewalk
so loudly that the men with jackhammers next to her stopped jack hammering
and put their hands over their ears and screamed "Ahhhhh! What's that
awful noise!?" She just kept walking by all smiley and oblivious. OBSERVATION:
why do all asian women drag their heels and scrape-flop their sandals on
the ground in NYC? No, really... WHY?! I'm having a nervous breakdown here!!!
ALSO: why do all Asian people have those red plastic sacks and everyone
else has black or white ones? Are the red plastic sacks better? Do non-asians
horde them? Do they dispense out of the smiling mouth of some giant, golden
cat shrine sculpture in some secret place off of Canal Street? What's up
with that?
Lifestyle: Hogger
of red plastic sacks
Thinking: "I
need a small ego-boost... I think I will scrape my sandals on the pavement
as I walk and just stare ahead all oblivious like I'm dreaming of the magic
land of where red plastic sacks come from." |
full-figured latina woman with form-fitting white jeans, mule sling-back
shoes, an off-the-shoulder Daisy Duke-style blowzy blouse, beautiful hair,
subtly shiny makeup and flawless ghetto claws. She is carrying a sack of
Wonder Bread and a paper plate. NOTE: is walking with exaggerated confidence
commonly associated with women in her socioeconomic/ethnic category. ALSO
NOTE: Exaggerated confidence often is a sign of hiding something, like
lack of confidence. Her seductive style of dress (particularly the off-the-shoulder
blouse which revealed a well-moisterized and rather sparkly shoulder) and
body language communicated that she wants attention and wants you to know
that she wants attention and is in control of both sides of both her as
the desir-ee and you as the desire-er. This is more direct than the Asian
woman (above) who's passive/aggressive attempt to gain attention from the
workmen near her with her loud sandal flop-scraping is more subtle.
What they are
doing: Going back up to her apartment to eat some Wonder Bread on a
paper plate, or perhaps refurbishing supplies for a party or picnic. NOTE:
could possibly be using bread slices and paper plate as shoulder pads for
her outfit.
Lifestyle: In
Your Face.
Thinking: "I
am bad and beautiful. Look at my big fine ass and flawless hair. I'm going
up to my apartment to eat some Wonder Bread on a paper plate. Mmm-hmmm,
that's right. You got a problem with that? You wanna say somethin'? I didn't
THINK so!" |
guy in a remarkably unique outfit (satin/nylon, loose fitting shirt with
an odd orange/red design on it, purple, flowing shiny pants and flip flops)
walking a gay dog.
What they are
doing: Walking a gay dog and secretly wondering if people are checking
out his mind-blowing threads.
Lifestyle: Boyfriend
of slim, artsy girl who owns a boutique in the Lower East Side that sells
her "creative" clothes designs... which he wears in public because he loves
her. She picked out the dog too.
Thinking: "God
I hate this dog." |
of indeterminate sex driving around Manhattan on a yellow scooter wearing
a yellow coat, white helmet and yellow flip flops. Remaining as motionless
as possible while driving motorized scooter... almost android-like.
What they are
doing: Channeling their fetishistic need to become a human traffic
Lifestyle: Recluse
with possible institutionalized past, or history of drug abuse. NOTE: These
sordid pasts (and present secret wish to become an inanimate object) are
unknown to almost everyone in this person's current life. NOTE: individual
was possibly taken to McDonald's a lot as a child... as it's typically
brightly-colored, form-cast interiors and aesthetic seems to have had a
dramatic effect on his/her subconscious.
Thinking: "If
I had been born a midget this would go over so much more fantastically!" |
Who: Incredibly
handsome and sexy latin guy.
What they are
doing: Walking around the neighborhood in a sleeveless T-shirt and
pencil mustache, making people pop boners all around him. NOTE: good looking
people, naturally, will attract more attention and therefor will be "surveyed"
in this experiment more than regular slobs, naturally.
Filled with lots of opportunities and drama, like most gorgeous people.
Thinking: "I
am walking down a street." |
Who: Trio
of women... one middle aged, in blue, and rather normal looking ...and
then two much older ones behind her that are totally mind-blowing - one
with a cane and giant alien-eye black sunglasses, and the other in a denim
halter top, pleated shorts, high heels and deep tan and a giant white lightbulb-head
hairdo (the younger one may be a daughter). Both older ones are smoking
and walking very slow.
What they are
doing: One seems to be there as a point of duty (the younger one) as
she kept walking ahead of them, then stopping and turning around and saying
ooonnn!" while the older ones just kept strolling slower and slower.
The two older ones seem to be in ego-parade mode; strolling around, smoking
cigarettes and socializing with other people in the neighborhood. Lightbulb
Head Woman may also be working on her tan. NOTE: her tan lines may possibly
match this outfit.
Younger one seems to be in Hell, while older two may be retired and possibly
divorced/widowed. Their lifestyles are quite possibly incredibly relaxed
and trouble-free. Lightbulb head's insistence on wearing rap video-style
sexy clothes (despite her age and potato-like figure) and bouffant hair
communicates that she has gone beyond not caring what people think of her,
which is a good thing (if she were in a gang she would be the leader).
NOTE: women like Lightbulb Head and her friend are often parodied on comedy
television shows... which they probably don't "get" or even care about.
Younger woman: "Oh Abraham! may I have just one drop of water to cool
my parched tongue!?"
Head Woman: total absence of thought (which would equal desire)... nirvana,
inner peace... perfect thoughtless bliss... God-like perfection .Cane
Lady: ditto |
Who: Teenage
boy in all red... hurriedly running around the neighborhood apparently
looking for someone. NOTE: seemed to switch back and forth between butch
latin mode and totally queeny gayness. NOTE: when he seemed to find the
person whom he was looking for... he shrieked to them from a block away,
slightly hopped up and down on the balls of his feet, and did that raised-arm
"screwing-in-a-lightbulb" wave that the Queen of England does from her
car when waiving to civilians.
What they are
doing: Looking for someone and half heartedly suppressing desire to
start doing runway moves.
Lives in a latin neighborhood and goes to school. All his friends are girls.
Thinking: "I
secretly wish I was Lightbulb Head Woman." |
Who: Latin,
pudgy, face-pierced, possibly mexican homosexual wearing a Joan Jett/Pete
Burns-ish "gothic for summer" outfit with fringe T-shirt sleeves (homemade
with scissors) and wearing headphones.
What they are
doing: On his way to pick up club invite flyers for his job handing
them out outside the exit of giant gay clubs in the rain on weekend nights.
Permanent outcast. Kind of like a black guy at hardcore punk shows... this
guy will always be slightly "off" in his chosen subculture (gay industrial
pierced goth trapped in a 1990 time warp). Twice-weekly attendance at East
Village screenings of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" prevent him from
meeting a boyfriend at SBNY or The Roxy.
Thinking: "Ministry's
second album was the best one." |
Who: Possibly
actor Wallace Langham (on right)
What they are
doing: Walking towards the East Village possibly being actor Wallace
Langham and catching people's attention because of this.
If he really is Wallace Langham: baggy eyes from 5:30am call times, and
fame. If he is not Wallace Langham: ordinary life with strange occasional
perks afforded to someone who looks remarkably like Wallace Langham.
"Why do people keep yelling 'Gary Shandling!' at me?" |
Who: I have
seen this guy around for about two years. He's semi-homeless and hangs
with the "Siesta House" crowd (if you're familiar with any of my 'Top Ten'
entries from 2003, you may be familiar with this vermin and drama-infested
trailer/shack that used to exist under the bridge in my neighborhood that
a lot of the homeless locals used to stay in). I call this guy "Jesus"
for obvious reasons. He's kind of young for a homeless guy (although he
seems to be aging fast)... and may possibly have had a wild past. Every
time I pass him he is screaming conspiracy nut and anti-government stuff.
He seems like he'd be fun to hang out with... to a point.
What they are
doing: Walking around scoping the street and connecting with other
members of the Siesta House crowd.
See: the context of any Raymond
Pettibon drawing.
Thinking: "The
history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." |
Who: I have
also seen this woman around for even longer, about four years. She lives
in the area and also hangs with the Siesta House crowd. She is not homeless.
She is very friendly and a little nutty. She dressed kind of nice for hanging
out with such a "low brow" crowd. I think she just likes the excitement.
She looks like a cross between (actress) Lupe Ontiveros and (John Waters'
actress and greeting card model) Jean Hill. Once I saw her in the back
of the deli I frequent downstairs. She was pouring vodka into three plastic
cups for her friends and mixing it with Libby's Cherry Juicy Juice, and
stirring that with a Twix bar, and then eating the Twix. She was out of
sight of the owners and when I saw her she put her finger over her mouth
and mouthed "Shhhhh!"
What they are
doing: Walking around scoping the street and connecting with other
members of the Siesta House crowd.
Laughing and tipsy.
Thinking: "That
dumpster would make a great serving bar." |
Who: Chinese
lady wearing an upside-down tulip flower hat made of wicker. I see asian
women in these hats all the time. Gays in NYC steal artifacts from other
cultures all the time and make them trendy... why this one hasn't caught
on yet is beyond me.
What they are
doing: Walking home and, of course, scraping her white clogs on the
sidewalk loudly.
Lifestyle: Wandering
Thinking: "The
sage has no mind of his own. He is aware of the needs of others. I am good
to people who are good. I am also good to people who are not good. Because
Virtue is goodness. I have faith in people who are faithful. I also have
faith in people who are not faithful. Because Virtue is faithfulness. The
sage is shy and humble - to the world he seems confusing. Others look to
him and listen. He behaves like a little child..." alternated with;
does mom collect aluminum cans?" |
Who: Strikingly
odd Asian woman in black tights, leg warmers, and a brigtly patterned maternity
dress. Also had a kind of "Holly Hobbit" bonnet on with a different pattern.
Carrying a giant umbrella with yet another pattern.
What they are
doing: Walking around in her tin-foil insulated Holly Hobbit bonnet
and her tin-foil insulated umbrella blocking out the Frankenstein Gangster
Jew Torture Laboratory Wagon waves that are trying to erase her memory
and replace her with a clone (she was able to sense my camera and block
it out, obviously).
Non-stop, inner-world adventure.
Thinking: "Away
ye... to The Land of Nod!" |
Who: Fairly
homely girl riding bike while wearing flowing tie-dyed dress, Birkenstocks,
and then a bike helmet with a rhinestone tiara on top of it (yes really).
What they are
doing: Being free.
Possibly bi-polar and nuts. Can often be heard loudly saying things like
"I have this habit of getting into conversations with total strangers!"
NOTE: Personality probably swings between these two realms:
1) Hippie girl optimism and friendliness... everybody's favorite kooky
girl.... lifestyle punctuated with free-form dancing to trance music, giving
strawberry ice cream cones to homeless bums lying in the gutter, pot smoking
and jewelry made out of twine and sticks and weeds she finds in the park
that she then gives to strangers on the street and:
2) A whirlwind of neurotic issues, frustrated/unresolved childhood trauma
and dangerous psychosis and depression, accentuated with pro-active vindictiveness,
relentless judgment of others and eye-for-eye karmic point checking.
Thinking: "The
nudist camp this year is going to be wonderful." |
Who: I have
seen woman on my street for years. She's brilliant. She wears old time-y
clothes (accentuated this with a fanny pack) and rides an old bike everywhere.
She also has long braided pigtails. She is a bit standoff-ish but not unfriendly.
She seems really smart. She appears to be an activist of sorts... very
political... she probably doesn't like surveillance cameras. See the black
knee-high socks and 1800's black boots? Now that's brilliant. She
lives in this building on the street that looks like no others, and it
has these really strange old windows. I've walked by before when the door
was open and peaked inside and it looked like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
I would walk up and introduce myself but I'm afraid if I went into her
place she would offer me rhubarb pie and oat straw tea and show me her
wooden sculpture with a hole in it and make me try her smelling machine
and then teach me the banjo.
What they are
doing: Going off to do brilliantly beautiful things I'm sure. I imagine
when she leaves... she rides her bike to a rolling green hill area with
Angelic selfless perfection.
Thinking: "I
need to pick up more Tannis-root." |
Who: Chewbacca
What they are
doing: Running inside her building before her Wookie fur pops out of
the human rubber skin mold she has designed to cover her massive fur.
Wookie hiding on planet Earth for some reason, disguised as a human. I
have seen this woman before and she is so big and
so wide
and her hair is so huge that I swear she is a Wookie in disguise.
Probably forced to work menial jobs as she can't do anything where she
has to speak because no one can understand "Rhhheeeeuuuuaaaaggghhh!!!"
she could be that person who makes announcements on subway speakers. ACCORDING
TO WOOKIE LORE: Wookies are sentient and for the most part, friendly. They
are very loyal to those they trust, but can also be very violent when angered.
They are proficient in hand to hand combat, which is usually the method
used during disputes on his home planet. Their language is a series of
growls, grunts, and roars. Their vocal abilities don't allow them to speak
basic, but most of them do understand it. Their planet is a forest world,
covered in Wroshyr trees, which the Wookies build their cities and homes
in. The trees grow so close together that one can walk on top of the foliage.
Their society is technologically advanced and they have mastered space
Thinking: "Rhhheeeeuuuuaaaaggghhh!!!" |
Who: Two
genius teenagers
What they are
doing: Riding their bikes really slowly around, one of which is a hand-made,
jerry-rigged tricycle with a giant basket in the back for a *HUGE* jambox
which bass-heavy music was *blasting* out of for the whole universe to
hear. Amazing.
Endless summer.
Thinking: total
absence of thought (which would equal desire)... nirvana, inner peace...
perfect thoughtless bliss... God-like perfection . |
Who: I have
seen this woman (pushing baby) around for the last year or two and she
is a total fucking genius. She is like the female (born), non-ironic version
of Amanda Lepore.
What they are
doing: Walking her baby in a stroller and rocking everyone's world
She is latina and probably in her late-20's, early-30's. She has a triple
process blond dye job which she always keeps styled in "calendar girl"
styles. She always has on full-glam make-up but doesn't really need it
as she has a very pretty face and nice skin. She always has on nice jewelry
and has her nails done. She has a Pamela Anderson-type body she keeps in
great shape. She is always wearing some incredibly sexy outfit... like
a coffee-ice-cream colored ultra-mini and halter top and blazer jacket
with metallic gold pumps and jangling bracelets and a gold hair bracket...
ALL WHILE PUSHING A BABY CART!!! This woman is ALWAYS dressed to the Maxim-Magazine/Telemundo-talk-show-host
EXTREME (she kind of seems dressed down here in this photo) and is never
without a huge sexy smile and a big wave to everyone. She also has a super
confident, street-smart, friendly personality similar to former Texas Governor
Anne Richards... but more in your face (it's a latina thing). I have never
seen her with a husband or boyfriend so I think she's a single mom. I have
also never seen this woman not "on" and not taking care of her kid (which
is a boy and is totally adorable - she dresses him in little baby baseball
uniform outfits). I think this woman gets up at 5am every morning for her
morning feedings AND to get the Farrah-curls and mascara just right.
I saw her before she had her kid and she was wearing a maternity dress...
full hair and make-up and high heels. All the guys in the neighborhood
know her and wave to her and always say things like "Ohhh momma you
are beautiful!!!" and she always smiles and waves back and says "Thanks
boys! You havin' a good day!?" and it totally makes their week. She
also seems to be friends with all the women around. Just walking past her
on the street is as refreshing as a tall, cool glass of water. She has
zero attitude and is a shining ray of bright sunshine every time I see
Thinking: "I
love the world." |
Who: Totally
normal, non-threatening, non-weird person
What they are
doing: Something normal
Nothing weird or creepy or sinister going on here
folks! So sir-reee! Yep... A-OK! Everything's f-i-i-i-n-n-n-e-e-e!!!
Thinking: "I
smell chiiiillll-dreeeen..." |
Who: Radical
feminist performance artist
What they are
doing: Messing with male, white corporate society minds on the Lower
East Side by pushing a giant vagina with a baby's head popping out of it
(and an audio cassette blasting Miss Piggy reading from Valerie Solanis'
'S.C.U.M. Manifesto') on wheels ...while on her way to a woman-only poetry
reading at Blue Stockings book store
Ed Asner in stretch pants
Thinking: "That's
offensive." |
Who: Shimmering
American Indian Fashion-y Ghost Lady
What they are
doing: Shimmering and evaporating and disappearing and re-appearing
all over the place at once... only visible through people's peripheral
vision. Wearing designer labels. Forgetting she's an astral projection
and trying to drink a blueberry soy smoothy through a straw and having
it spill all through her and onto the concrete below. Always wondered what
those spilled stains on the concrete are? They're from ghosts who dry to
drink stuff.
Floating through unknown realms and making sure anyone who needs special
help is getting it... guarding against evil big and small... helping the
meek... levitating expensive dresses right out the doors of Upper East
Side boutiques and placing them at the feet of women who can't afford them
(the salespeople are always too shocked to do anything, or the recipients
are sometimes accused of shoplifting via ESP)... considering her Native
American plight and why there are no American Indian supermodels and getting
her revenge on her people via fashion-y ghost stuff... wearing kick-ass
invisible clothes and shoes.
Thinking: "Pink
and brown are the new colors for fall. 'Granny Chic' will also make a comeback." |
Who: Ice
cream truck
What they are
doing: Playing a horribly loud recording of a music box "ice cream
man," song out of it's loudspeaker and making people's ears bleed
Playing an awful and ear-splitting, scratchy, blaring recording at top
volume and driving people insane. Selling cheap but colorful ice cream
that people buy mostly to use to stick in their ears to soothe and stop
the bleeding. Learning sign language because of mysterious on-sets of deafness
in people all around it. Starting a "noise war" with the sandal flop-scraping
asian ladies to see who can make the most apocalyptic, building-rattling
Thinking: "What?" |
copyright Mark Allen - 2004
to MarkAllenCam.com