Mark Allen's Top Ten for July 19th, 2004:1. SPECIAL "TOP TEN" FALL FASHION SECTION: take a sneak peak at two sizzling looks that will be "in" for this fall season:
As I walk around oh-so-young Manhattan, I sometimes feel old. I'm always gazing at pedestrians that seem to get younger and younger each year... with my imperfect skinned-face sulking at every imagined glance from them (the enlarged pores acting like black holes from which no sense of un-selfconsciousness can escape). So I know what I need to add spark to my new lease on vanity... that's right, a new look! A look that's all the rage! Fashion-rage! Today we have "road rage" and "air rage" ...why not inspire fashion-rage!
I call these migraine-inducing ensembles "super-pretensionism"'s similar to post-modernism, but since modernism had the luxury of a birthday and assumed death, "post" nevertheless cannot precede the eternal concept of "pretension" without sounding pretentious itself! And therefor... almost fulfilling yet another grotesque mutated strain of an increasingly diseased english vocabulary... "pretentious" cocoons and transforms into "super-pretentious."
These two items will be worn by any one person come this fall... why be left out? They combine the meticulous, quiz-show flair of the "semio/chao-tic" paintings of Mark Tansey, plus the delectable "glamour traps" that halo the brilliant legacy of Coco Chanel.
Will I ever get to describing the items!? NEVER! Let me continue "clearing my throat!" Pour Kramer from "Seinfeld" and a bit of Verushka from "Blow Up" into a blender and press the button that will frappe you into the future! I'm drowning in photo-styling outrageousness! I'm choking on their glossy, scented pages! *Gag!* *Spit!* *Swoon!* Get me a defibrillator and a Diet Coke!
You know, I think I had a great, great grandfather that warned me on one dark and stormy night that a life spent looking at pictures in fashion magazines would turn my gray matter to goo... but then again he spent the last four decades of his life in a nuthouse.
See how easy writing about fashion is? A dose of Excedrin ...a black cup of coffee ...shot of insulin ...a lady's shoe filled with champagne ...a bullet to the brain! Oh-la-la! Don't say hello to fussy un-fashionable glitz, instead... reject saying good-bye to the return of un-glitzy fashion... in reverse! This season it's all about doing complex math problems (and losing) rather than simple shopping (and winning). The VIP lounge behind the velvet ropes? No... the high security research laboratory behind the antiseptic secret hidden elevator!
So, shrink yourself down to microscopic size, get into a little white submarine, and inject yourself into the pulsating bloodstream of now. The janitor closet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art has replaced the DJ booth at whatever-the-latest-club-is. Confused? Don't be! These two hot-hot-hot fashion items will have everyone's migraines raging come fall. Read on and take note:1a. 1970's-era, remote wire recording/transmitting devices: concealed under-the-shirt, taped to the chest (3-wire model above)
These old fashioned surveillance devices, or so-called "counter measure accessories," have long gone out of fashion... but their style remains eternal. Come this chilly fall, it's all about a clunky tape recorder (or two-way receiver/transmitter) attached to the chest (under your clothes) with white surgical tape, a microphone hidden underneath the collar of your shirt or sleeve cuff (with wires taped and running along your torso) and perhaps a small ear piece hidden conveniently beneath the back of your ear under long hair or a hat.
These functional items, playfully hidden under your button-down, white, long-sleeve shirt, not only say to your friends and co-workers "I'm interesting and mysterious" but also "I care about you and what you have to say." Being an attentive listener is always in style! Whether it's at a heavy meal in an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, or a parked car meeting outside a warehouse in Queens at 2am... this playful little encoutrement screams attention! Goes great with concrete shoes!
Beads of nervous sweat and two men with large satellite dish receivers hidden in un-marked van outside are optional.
Newer models are a tad more honest... with a visible spiral, clear or flesh-colored chord connected from the back of the ear down into the shirt. But stool pigeons to that! It's old-school all the way this season. Hide your style... don't give yourself away! Be suspicious! Keep people guessing! Live life on the edge! Wear the only accessory this fall that will get everyone talking ...and you recording!2b. Black rubber galoshes (worn with everything)
Of course, you must choose the long, 17" overboot style... which will cause hours of delight and wonderment as you mentally debate whether to tuck the cuffs of your pants inside, or leave them hanging over.
But trust me... if you don't know the answer to that age-old dilemma... you shouldn't be wearing them! Long, black rubber galoshes should always be worn with pants tucked inside. Particularly business suit pants and cargo khakis. Even long skirts or gowns! Your hot feet will sweat those pounds away! If you're seen all around town wearing nothing but these, in any kind of weather, and with every outfit imaginable... you'll be the talk of the town in your own mind in no time! Clunk your way into people's consciousness at your next cocktail party! Dare people not to notice! Step on the toes of those who hate style!
Mondo Cane Collection's "Good-bye Uncle Tom" DVD
2. Mondo Cane Collection's "Goodbye Uncle Tom" (dirs: Gualtiero Jacopetti, Franco E. Prosperi, 1971) - it's shit-your-pants fantastic!
As Jim and I sauntered into Kim's Video, the one place in New York that magically mixes obscure film titles and counter clerk rage (as if that's an unusual combo), I turned and said to him "Oh I saw this unbelievable movie playing here the other day... we've gotta rent it." I had seen it playing quite a number of times in the store (where it commanded the attention of the employees and customers alike), but I finally remembered to ask what it was. Finding it in the back "cult movie" room, under the "shock-umentary" section, we rented it and took it home. We then fired up the DVD player and proceeded to stare aghast at the screen for a solid two hours, as we slowly soiled our pants with the sheer inability to classify, categorize, or even react to what we were watching.
Truly unbelievable, and hard to condescend to in the way hipster film geeks usually do... Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco E. Prosperi's 1971, eye-exploding, brain-scrambling, irony-eliminating "Goodbye Uncle Tom" comes off like a cross between the TV movie "Roots," Alejandro Jodorowsky's "Holy Mountain" and Russ Meyer's "Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens." It's as if the Black Panthers hired Federico Fellini to direct a movie about the atrocities of slavery... and he just went totally ape-shit and way over-budget and created a grand-scale, cinematic orgy of stylistic insanity.
The mood of "Goodbye Uncle Tom" almost plays like a surreal comedy, but the humor is very elusive. Jacopetti and Prosperi spare no expense in what was obviously a high-dollar production. Where in the world they got a cast of what looks like thousands of black actors to play in such intense and highly-charged scenes is beyond me. If you think you've seen it all, think again. I'm not even going to touch on whether or not this film is "anti-p.c." or not... I'll just say it quickly transcends that realm, leaving it way, way out of sight.
Days after watching the picture, Jim and I agreed that when we were trying to describe the film to others, we found it hard to come up with a context to covey it properly. The movie is not actually "exploitation" or "shocking" or even "camp"'s just really, uh... big in its unrestrained vision. Does that sum it up? Even though the film is sensational, and hardly a documentary... I still found it to be very informative about the highly complex intricacies of the way slavery entered into, reigned, and then dwindled away (and sometimes didn't) in America before, during and after the Civil War. I highly recommend this fantastically obnoxious and explosive film, which is highly entertaining, and educational almost by default.
Renting it can be a bit tricky... it's part of the recently released "Mondo Cane Collection" box set, which contains most of Jacopetti and Prosperi's films. A rental store will obviously rent the titles in the set individually, but finding a store that carries it might be a hassle. The "Goodbye Uncle Tom" title contains two discs, one with the original english version, and the other with the subtitled foreign language version, which is the longer director's cut and is supposedly more incendiary (Jim and I stuck with just the english version, having to read subtitles on top of an already rapid-fire picture would have thrown us into 'Scanners'-style, cranium-exploding, sensory overload).
Here is a link to the Blue Underground (the DVD's distributors) "Goodbye Uncle Tom" page (with viewable trailer). Here is a New York Times article on Jacopetti, Prosperi and their "Mondo" film legacy. Here's the link to the ($140) "Mondo Cane boxed set."
surfer Bradley Smith hunts for fish
3. Australian surfer bitten in half by shark the size of a car, dragged to the murky depths... still on prowl
In south-western Australia last week, a famous surfer, Bradley Smith, 29, was attacked in the water at Gracetown surfing district, by (presumably) two sharks and killed in full view of friends who were watching from a boat. While originally reported as a great white (some still believe it was), witnesses now say it may have been a white pointer, while others think it was a bronze whaler. The witnesses described the shark who "...bit him in half" as five meters long and three meters around, and were quoted as saying it was " wide as a car." According to witnesses, apparently Smith tried to fight off the sharks (who had suddenly ambushed him while he sat on his surfboard in the water) but the struggle was futile. After being mauled and bit heavily in the torso area, Smith was dragged under.
"There was a large amount of blood in the water" one unidentified witness told reporters. "When the first one came up a bit I could see its fin and it was almost a yard high. When it came out of the water with Brad still fighting it, I could see its body was about the width of a car and its open jaws were as wide as a man's arm. It just ended up in a terrible feeding frenzy. It was awful."
An image of Smith's surfboard was shown on Australian television, the back half of it completely bitten off.
"If we find them, we have the authority to kill them," fisheries officer Tony Cappelluti later told reporters, "If they've tasted human blood, then they'll remain a problem until we've tracked them down."
Great Whites are actually, by law, a protected species unless one kills a human.
"Forget what all the do-gooders have to say about it," said Brian Sierakowski in a recent Australian TV report, "If there is a shark coming back to this beach which is a similar shark, and it's territorial, and it's probably a rogue shark that's sick, it's going to re-attack again, and you've got to get rid of it." Reading the transcript of the rest of the TV report Mr. Sierakowski was speaking at, one can't help but think the whole meeting was lifted right out of the script from the town meeting scene in "Jaws."
It turns out this specific attack on Smith, and it's subsequent fear and hysteria, has spawned an odd controversy over whether or not to hunt the sharks responsible. Smith's brother has even lead a public campaign calling for a halt on shark-hunting "mania."
That's nice... but jeeze, I think being attacked and eaten alive by vicious sharks is probably on most people's "top five" lists as the worst possible way to go. Just thinking about blurry underwater glimpses (made crimson with my own blood) of big, black, emotionless eyes and hideous razor mouths tearing my own flesh apart as the salt water increases the pain and the terror and panic compounds the realization that I'm about to die... not being able to breath... *swallow hard* it sounds like my worst nightmare from Hell... *shudder*
The placement of mankind in relation to the rest of the animal kingdom is not a well-earned plateau of comfort... it's a constant battle! It's a jungle out there! Brad Smith knows this! So go eat meat... wear fur... stomp on bugs... kill viruses with antibiotics... we're at WAR!
After all......
Collision at the intersection of Food and Chain...
4. Moose vs. car
Here is the link.
Image courtesy axis-of-aevil
5. "Mmm... more fresh victims for my ever-growing army of the dead. And try our side salad!"
Scientists can now synthesize food products like milk, coffee, yogurt and chocolate from... ready? Recycled BLOOD! Yes... blood. Cow's blood from slaughterhouses to be exact... of which hundreds and thousands of gallons are apparently poured down the drain daily. *BLLLEEEAAAGGGHHHH!*
Here is the link.
"By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room, with a table in the window on which was a looking glass..."
6. Original manuscripts of Rev. Charles Dodgson's (aka Lewis Carroll) "Alice's Adventures Underground"
A totally enjoyable read... nice, large pages. Go find some old, yellowed, musty paper in you basement or attic and see if you can feed it into your printer and print them out... maybe press a few flowers between the pages. Then read it under a tree in a wispy, green meadow. Then drop acid!
Here is the link.
the mind is a terrible thing to not control
7. Electronic Weapon Attack Video Capture Analysis - paranoid schizophrenia, at home!
Interesting to watch, like reality TV about the paranoid-schizophrenic set. Here is the link to the quicktime video. This is a sub-page in the infinite and never-boring Mind Control Forum web site. Don't you feel like going there right now? You do, don't you?
8. Cam cap of me that I like
9. Jim
Someone needs to invent this.
Mark Allen's Top Seven for July 12th, 2004:
NOTE: I must apologize to all my readers for the tragically anorexic (bulimic?) and tardy condition of my most recent Top Ten entries... which have been a bit constipated. I have just been really, really busy with stuff. I'm a busy person! ME! ME! ME! Can you believe, even when I'm apologizing for not having enough time to write... I still magically have time to talk about myself?! And then draw attention to that fact as well? I call it "magi-tasking" because it uses magic. It's like "multi-tasking" but it's far more egotistical, and more pathologically forthright in it's passive/aggressive contrivances. I mean... after all, this site is called ...not! Read on slaves!
Did someone say "lighter" side of? John Nozum performs a pyrotechnical stunt with his "montgomery cannula"
NOTE: this is actually a photoshop-ed picture, the rest of the stuff on "Lighter Side of..." is (gasp!) REAL!![]()
1. The Lighter Side of Trach Life (no, not written by Dave Berg)
Here is the link to "The Lighter Side of Trach Life."
Living in the personality "mecca" of New York City, I am sometimes amazed to find myself literally cornered by the 8,000,000 occasionally boring, lobotomized zombies that haunt our "great" metropolis... yes, "cornered," or perhaps "herded" ...deep into the confines of my apartment, alone! Sob! And lo-and-behold, in my state of ennui... I do what? That's right... I go onto the internet and find people that are actually interesting! Of course... it wouldn't be fair to skip mentioning that after a few hours of this, the exact vise-versa occurs.
Anywho... John Nozum (above) suffers from "sleep apnea," a condition which means that, because of structural obstruction, respiratory conditions or a combination of both... the body is not able to get enough oxygen as it sleeps. Although related to simple snoring, sleep apnea is much more serious. In mild-to-extreme cases, it causes the body to continuously wake itself up during the night over and over so consciousness can regain proper breathing. As we all know, one restless night can lead to one hell-of-a drowsy, confused, listless, cranky day. But a lifetime of sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea (which can often go undiagnosed for decades) can lead to serious health problems by the time one reaches one's thirties (not to mention some weird personality and learning problems).
So, sufferers of sleep apnea now have different techniques and methods to help them get a good night's sleep. These vary from simply loosing some weight, to using special sprays that supposedly shrink nasal tissue, to inserting weird little plastic prongs into their noses to open the passages, or maybe sleeping with a "nasal cannula" connected from their nose to a supplemental oxygen machine, or perhaps sleeping with a regular oxygen mask (attached to their heads with fashionable head straps) hooked up to a Continuous Positive Air Pressure machine (CP/AP) or a Bi-level Positive Air Pressure machine (BiPAP), or maybe going the old fashioned route by lubing-up a 'nasal trumpet' and inserting down the ole' nasal canal to sleep with (you gotta see John's photos of this).
If that doesn't work, they can also have a variety of creepy-sounding operations performed on them (like John did) that range from "cutting back" or removal of the tonsils (a serious operation in adults), adenoids, and/or uvula (the uvula in the throat you pervert) or even "tongue advancement" and "mandibular (lower jaw) advancement." No, I don't want to see photos of this.
John Nozum (isn't his last name so oddly 'sleep' sounding?) decided to have a "tracheostomy" performed on his throat (the creation of a second airway at the front of the neck), with a plastic control device called a "montgomery cannula." And his sleep apnea is now "HISTORY" as he puts it.
John has had some other physical problems in his life (he was born with Goldenharís syndrome, which caused some of the 'abnormalities' in his appearance). He's had a pretty bizarre and unusual life. He has learned some pretty interesting tricks to perform with his montgomery cannula, and his documentation of them through photography and text is really ...a yolk of interesting-ness wrapped in a shell of odd-ness? Best analogy EVER!
Anyway, I personally found it to be noteworthy... and I'm a totally jaded, art-snob bitch from your worst New York nightmare (see you in HELL bitches!) I also found John to have an interesting eye (literally!) for photography.
Take a wide-eyed stroll around John's main page: "Nozum Jam!" - he certainly has a lot to talk about! And of course take a look at the "Lighter Side of..." page (linked above). Here is his main sleep apnea page (lots of great photos).
* (One half sentence in the above piece was half-stolen from
For a link to this actual Mickey Mouse comic strip from 1930 (in which Mickey actually commits suicide) click here.
2. Chronological history of deaths on rides at Disneyland
Here is the link.
Fascinating, wordy, curse-filled (and perhaps also the other kind of curse-filled) history of every death at every Disneyland ride ever. With details of who... what... where they landed... how it looked... who sued... who saw it... what they said... and what they had for lunch.
You know... it makes me wonder. If they took a poll and asked people around the world to make a list of the top ten places they would like to die (when their time comes), I wonder how many people would put "Disneyland" on that list somewhere. I bet you'd be surprised!
(discovered through
Poster for Robert Greenwald's new film "Outfoxed"
3. Horrifying in-house memos from Fox News chief John Moody (at:
Eeeeewwww... over at, thirty memos from Fox New chief John Moody have been posted for all to see. A fascinating read to say the very least. Really paints un ugly picture of employees and correspondents sub-serving inside a slithering nether world of creepy toil and hype-ridden strife, which probably had more than a few of them conflicted about the status of their own spines (a daily concern for most people serving in a corporate environment).
This is cause to, and in wake of, the explosive scandal caused by Robert Greenwald's new film 'Outfoxed' - which I can't wait to see... did you know this week it was the #1 pre-ordered DVD on, and it hasn't even been released yet? Anyway, if you haven't heard about the documentary, it's about Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, and how it's supposedly (haha!) Republican-biased from the bottom-up. The picture is only being viewed in clandestine home screenings and special events right now... and just from that, has caused a media shit storm. A theatrical release looks imminent.
Rem Koolhaus in Rotterdam
4. Quote from Rem Koolhaus in Icon magazine
In an interview with Rem Koolhaus in a June 2004 issue of Icon magazine, he says of Rotterdam (the city he calls home); "Its a weird city because the uglier the weather, the more beautiful the city, and the uglier the buildings, the more coherent the city."
An interesting quote... and it got me thinking. For some reason, it made me think of my beloved suburban sprawl home city of Plano, Texas (a place most people loathe). Now that I think about it, I actually think Plano also looks really good in overcast and rainy weather. All those crisply new shopping malls, modern schools, expansive and trimmed parks, clean concrete lines and lush, green, rectangular lawns just kind of do something magical in that kind of light. Overcast light does something to green grass and gray concrete that's hard to put into words. I've always wanted to direct a Jacques Tati-esque film in and about Plano, Texas. I think there's a lot to work with there, in that context.
Bill and Lou
5. The Incredible Hulk's online blog
Hahahahaha! Incredible!
Here is the link.
LEFT: Official Italian poster for Dario Argento's "Il Cartaio"
RIGHT: Cover for Russian DVD release of "Il Cartaio" (already out)![]()
6. Dario Argento's new film "Il Cartaio" to be released in US on DVD soon
Since American fans (there are quite a few!) of Italian giallo/horror director Dario Argento can only see his films when they are released on DVD (often a year or more after their european release date, and often in a heavily censored and edited form) ...I nevertheless am thrilled about the release of Argento's latest giallo "Il Cartaio" (trans: 'The Card Player'). Released in Italy and other places around the world (and screened at a few festivals in the US) last January, the DVD will be released by Anchor Bay in the States sometime in the very near future. Anchor Bay consistently does justice to DVD releases of films that are lesser known, or have a cult following, so I'm looking forward to it.
It stars Liam Cunningham, Stefania Rocca and a bunch of other mostly-known-in-Italy actors. The story is about a serial killer who kidnaps his victims, and then, from a remote location, asks a group of police and detectives to partake in a game of on-line, computer poker. The captive victim (who is hooked up to a live webcam that the detectives can see) will live if the detectives win the game, and die if the killer wins. The detectives have to get the help of a computer-nerd video poker expert to help them solve the case, as more games are lost, more victims are slaughtered via webcam, and (gulp!) the killer now seems to be targeting Rocca.
I know... grooooooan... the story sounds way dated - the stuff of late-90's made-for-cable movies. But, subject matter (or acting, dialogue, editing, plot or even sense) has never really been the point in Argento's work. Argento's strengths have always been in creating a weirdly quirky and half-conscious "mood" that sustains itself all the way through his films. Awkwardness is the starting point... with surrealism the reluctant goal. He achieves this with many used-only-by-him techniques, including some techniques that truly seem like "bad" filmmaking. But his work is like no other, and even though often difficult... many have said that Argento's best work captures "dream logic," in the truest sense of the term, more than any director.
I absolutely loved his last film "Sleepless" (Italian title: 'Non Ho Sonno'). This film is apparently a straight detective thriller (Argento has actually said in interviews that he was influenced by American TV shows like 'C.S.I.') with less serial killer/victim pursuit, less violence, and more behind-the-scenes whodunit and investigative calisthenics by the "poliziarati." The film was originally created to star Dario's daughter, Asia Argento, and be a continuation of her detective character Anna Manni from 1996's "The Stendhal Syndrome" (so... after being hauled off for going art-nuts and viscously slaughtering her coworkers at the end of that film, she's back on the force? Okkkaaaaayyy...) However, Asia pulled out before filming began (for several reasons, one of which was to direct a film version of JT Leroy's 'The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things') and Rocca took her place as another female detective on the same force. The cinematography in this film is of note... as it is done by Benoît Debie, who did the cinematography for Gaspar Noé's "Irréversible" prior to this film
Here's a nice review of "Il Cartaio." Here's another one. Here's the film's official website (I know it looks deceptive, but yes that's really it).
"Il Cartaio," like much of Argento's work, has had mixed reviews. It did very, very well at the box office in Europe... and the money it raked in no doubt will benefit Argento's next two projects. Which are:
1) Another giallo, titled "Occhiali Neri" (trans: 'Dark Glasses') about a female prostitute who adopts a Chinese orphan boy before being blinded in an accident. The duo then track down a maniac responsible for a spate of hooker murders in Rome, due to her senses being heightened. (Huh? 'Gloria' meets 'Psycho' meets ''Angel' meets 'The Helen Keller Story'? ...I can't WAIT!). This film is actually already in production. Then after that...
2) Believe it or not, the third and final installment in the "Three Mothers" trilogy (of which 'Suspiria' and 'Inferno' were the first two), in which will be a return to the macabre, colorful, supernatural subject matter and filmmaking style of the previous two.
7. My cam-cap of the week
Mark Allen's Top (one) for July 5th, 2004:
1. Sorry folks, but I'm way too busy with some real writing gigs this week to do a Top Ten. My hilariously haphazard but totally thrilling appearance on "The Listener Hour" (you can stream the whole thing archived here) at the hallowed halls of will just have to do for this week (detailed and highly click-able playlist below). So if you've already heard it... do as the TV ads for "Shrek II" command as they bark at you from the screen " have to see it twice to catch all the magical hilariousness!" So, if I may be repetitive... listen to it again to catch all the magical hilariousness! Click on all the links below ...touch ...feel ...explore.(Stream show at WFMU site here)
- excerpt from the film "What About Bob?" - Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss, (dir: Frank Oz - 1991)
Harry Pussy - excerpt from Let's Build a Pussy 2xLP (Blackbean & Placenta Records - 1998)
Harry Pussy - "Sex Problem" from Harry Pussy Live! 10" (Cherry Smash Records - 1997)
Mort Garson / Jacques Wilson - "Prologue," "Leave the Driving to Us," "I've Been Over the Rainbow" from The Wozard of Iz LP
(A&M Records- mid-70's)Wendy O. Williams - "La La Land" from Wendy O. Williams Ultrafly and the Hometown Girls: Deffest and Baddest! LP (her rap album!)
(Profile Records - 1988)The Suspicions (aka: The Flying Lizards) - "The Laughing Policeman" 7" (Arista Records Ltd. - 1980)
David Cunningham - "Error System (EFGA)" from Grey Scale LP (Piano Records - 1977)
Kay Lande / Wade Denning - "Little Orphan Annie," "A Weird Happening" from Halloween LP (A. A./Golden Records, late-60's)
- excerpt from the film "Heat" - Andrea Feldman and Sylvia Miles, (dir: Paul Morrissey - 1972)
- excerpt from Farrah Fawcett's loopy appearance on The David Letterman Show (CBS-TV, June 10th, 1997)
Cathi Stout - "Hips and Abdomen" from Special Believercise: Christian Aerobics cassette (mid-80's)
The Christian Astronauts - "Prepare To Fire.. .Countdown (Song by Sister Shoup)" from 1960's S/T homemade LP
(re-released and now available on CD, Companion Records, 2004)Monster Island Plus - "Mystic Jugs" from S/T homemade cassette of my college friends Eddie Holland and Tim Pope and their band
(Denton, Texas, 1988... only a few of these tapes left in existence, maybe only this one)Roger Miller - "My Uncle Used To Love Me But She Died" from Wacky Westerns LP (K-Tel International, 1975)
Jerry Goldsmith - "Love Shop" from Logan's Run: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack LP (MGM - 1976)
Harry Pussy - another excerpt from Let's Build a Pussy 2xLP (Blackbean & Placenta Records - 1998)
NOTE: the highly complex emoticon directly below is not a comment on or to you readers, it is simply something that was attached to a recent spam email I got for something called "vi@g**a" and it was so cute I just had to share:
.......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.........''...\.......... _.·´
.............\.............\....Copyright 2004 Mark Allen
go to past "Top Tens"